Imus Show Speaks Softly, Briefly on Ed Schultz

May 29th, 2011 6:40 AM

Although ABC, CBS, and NBC completely skipped over the Ed Schultz slurs of Laura Ingraham, some may have wondered whether Don Imus talked about it on his Fox Business show on Thursday. After all, his "nappy-headed hos" joke got him forced out of MSNBC. Might he suggest Schultz could have gotten fired like him? For the record, it came up briefly, and not early in the show, but it came up for a quick once-over, with Bernard McGuirk giving it a sharp, running start:

BERNARD McGUIRK, producer: Some loudmouth on MSNBC who nobody ever heard of just got suspended over there for saying this about AnchorAnchorLaura Ingraham.

ED SCHULTZ clip: President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin Missouri on Sunday. But you know what they're talking about? Like this right-wing slut, what's her name, AnchorAnchorLaura Ingraham -- yes, she's a talk slut.

IMUS: What?

McGUIRK: My God.

IMUS: Who is that?

McGUIRK: It's some guy named Ed Schultz; some talk slob is actually what he is.

IMUS: He was talking about AnchorAnchorLaura Ingraham.

McGUIRK: AnchorAnchorLaura Ingraham, a 'talk radio slut' -- 'right-wing slut,' he called her. Yes. Anyway she responded --

IMUS: Come on, man.

McGUIRK: She says that she was surprised to learn that Ed Schultz actually hosted a radio show, is it only available on-line. Apparently he made these comments on a radio show he's on. Then she got in a plug for her book that's coming out in July "Of Thee I Zing," very, very ingeniously. And anyway, this guy whoever he is, he apologized last night before his suspension went into effect.

ED SCHULTZ clip: On my radio show yesterday, I used vile and inappropriate language when talking about talk show host AnchorAnchorLaura Ingraham. I am deeply sorry and I apologize. It was wrong, uncalled for, and I recognize the severity of what I said. I apologize to you, Laura, and ask for your forgiveness.

McGUIRK: At least he did equivocate, for those who were offended and all that.

IMUS: Yes, I mean, that's a pretty straightforward apology.

McGUIRK: At least give the guy that. But anyway --

IMUS: And you know what? I know we're not supposed to be -- not in the business of plugging other radio stations and stuff, but I kind of listen to Opie and Anthony when I'm at the ranch. But I listened to Lupica yesterday. You listen to him, Lou?

LOU RUFINO: It's very good.

IMUS: That's a good show.

So the most quotable reaction of Imus to Schultz is "Come on, man." He didn't even call him a "pantload" or one of his typical put-downs. One might have expected a little more defense of Ingraham, who used to be a pretty regular Imus guest in the MSNBC days. It's not the same as him dismissing Chris Matthews in January as a "vile human being" for assessing blame to Mark Levin in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting.

PS: Salon doesn't go soft on the "power" of the S-word in an article, but it does suggest the word can be sexy -- coming to the aide of CNN anchor Randi Kaye and others who want to divert attention to how to define the word.