Why Is Randi Rhodes Happy Obama Was Elbowed in the Mouth?

November 29th, 2010 11:11 PM

President Obama getting elbowed in the mouth playing basketball made liberal radio host Randi Rhodes so happy on her website Monday. The reason? We no longer had an idiot Republican president who injured  himself repeatedly. George W. Bush can be forced into any narrative, apparently:

As Presidential injuries go, it’s a lot better than passing out from eating a pretzel. George Bush fell over eating a pretzel, fell off his bike, and fell off a Segway scooter. Obama got elbowed in the mouth. It’s kind of nice to finally have a president who doesn’t cause his own injuries. Another person in the game accidentally elbowed the President in the mouth.

I don’t play a lot of hoops, but if I’m in that game, I’m thinking my #1 priority is “do not injure the Commander in Chief.” I think I’m willing to actually miss a couple of rebounds, if it means not being the person who sends the President of the United States in for stitches. Well, if you’re going to get a dozen stitches in your mouth, I guess the day after Thanksgiving is the best timing you could ask for. At least you’re not going to be hungry for a while.