Vox Hates Fox: 'Amazingly Effective at Shaping Opinion' on Mueller Report

April 24th, 2019 10:59 AM

Did you know that viewers of Fox News had their minds shaped that the Mueller Report was good news for President Trump? That is the premise of Aaron Rupar at the liberal website Vox. According to Rupar, Fox News fans would have been unable to determine that fact if left to their own devices. No, they needed to be be convinced of that by the network's "pro-Trump spin."

Rupar makes his case for mental guidance (or brainwashing) about the Mueller Report in "Polling shows Fox News has been amazingly effective at shaping opinion on the Mueller report" which bizarrely makes no mention of the fact that Mueller openly declared there was no proof of coordination between Trump and Russia.

If you got your initial information about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report from Fox News — a network where the report has been framed as a complete exoneration of the president — you were much more likely than not to hold the false belief that Trump was totally cleared, according to new polling.

Liberals usually believe that an accused man who is not prosecuted could be defined as "cleared." But political spin is king. 

Mueller’s final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election does not, of course, actually exonerate the president. Even Attorney General William Barr acknowledged as much in the letter he wrote to Congress summarizing Mueller’s key takeaway weeks before the report’s public release.

In the legal sense, "exoneration" means to have a conviction reversed, so there was no exoneration because there was no crime Trump committed for which he needed to be exonerated.

But a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds that 83 percent of respondents who got their information about the report from Fox News think it clears Trump.

Yeah, how silly of them to think that when the report concluded there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion which was the primary purpose of the investigation. In Vox-land, Fox is biased and the HuffPost is authoritative. 

CNN and MSNBC are also apparently non-spin channels: 

The irony is that out of the three networks, Fox News has been most heavily spinning the report.

In the Alternate Liberal Universe, reporting that the Mueller Report found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion is called "spinning." Trying to claim the Mueller Report is a road map for impeachment? That's apparently not spinning.

The HuffPost/YouGov poll found that 80 percent of people who report getting their information about the Mueller report from Fox News think the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia is “not a problem at all.” In fact, 76 percent of respondents who got Mueller report information from Fox News say the report “does not reveal anything damaging” about Trump — a figure drastically different than the 50 percent of CNN viewers and 83 percent of MSNBC viewers who say the report demonstrates that Trump “is unfit to be president.”

At least Rupar admitted that his HuffPost poll found the Mueller Report isn't really changing anything at all right now: "Only 1 percent of Trump voters said that the report led them to conclude Trump is unfit to serve — a number that’s almost the inverse of Hillary Clinton voters, among whom only 2 percent said that the report isn’t damaging for Trump at all."

PS: Rupar tweeted the usual trope about how Fox News would have ruined Watergate for the liberals: