CNN and Wolf Blitzer Obsess Over Russia and Kushner

July 25th, 2017 6:30 AM

If  you would like to become a CNN producer for Wolf Blitzer, the above line is pretty much all you need to recite into the mic leading to his earpiece. In fact most CNN shows, and especially the July 24 Wolf show, could be renamed the Kushner Kuhner Trump Russia Kushner show.  Wolf and much of the rest of the CNN crew have become even more monomaniacal in pursuing the Trump Russia White Whale of CNN president Jeff Zucker whose obsession is sending CNN ratings into the toilet by boring his viewers.

Trump Russia collusion which began as an evidence-free lame excuse to explain Hillary Clinton's 2016 defeat is now the limb that Zucker has forced a cable network to climb out upon. This has resulted in hilarious results as exemplified by Wolf Blizer whose utter lack of self-awareness has prevented him from realizing how ridiculous he appears to sane people. You can hear the words from his show below but all you come away with is: Kushner Kushner Trump Kushner!

WOLF BLITZER: We're following breaking news. We're waiting to hear directly from Jared Kushner from the White House. You're looking at the microphone there outside the west wing. The president's son-in- law and trusted adviser spent much of the day so far up on Capitol Hill, answering questions from Senate Intelligence Committee staffers.

At any moment now, we're told we expect to hear directly from Kushner. He'll be making a public statement. We'll have live coverage of that as soon as it happens. We expect that to begin momentarily.

In the meantime, let's bring in our Senior White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny. He's over at the White House. Our National Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux is up on Capitol Hill.

Suzanne, first of all, take us through what happened so far over the course of these past few hours during Kushner's meeting up on Capitol Hill. Other than Jared Kushner's account, will we be hearing any of his statements so far to these congressional staffers?

The coverage today of Jeff's Trump Russia collusion obsession is chock full of reporters and even a panel. In the meantime, here is the latest breaking news: Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner!

SUZANNE MALVEAUX: Well, Wolf, it was true to form, about two hours ago or so, as it was promised, going before the staffers, the Senate staffers of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It was Jared Kushner, his attorney Abbe Lowell and a notetaker.

Also present there, about a half dozen Senate staffers and a transcript that was taken of that interview. A transcript that the legal team says that they certainly do not object to being made public. That is something that we don't know when it will be made public but certainly it will be available.

Also, we were told before this meeting that, according to a source, that Jared Kushner would take all questions. Our Ted Barrett, Producer, asked him on his way out whether or not he, in fact, did do that. He said, yes, he had. All the questions they had, he said that it went very well. He is on his way to the White House and we do know this was not sworn testimony. But tomorrow, he's going to go before the House Intelligence Committee. That will be sworn testimony also expected to be interviewed before members of that committee, not just staffers. And that a transcript would be made available.

STOP THE PRESSES! We have breaking tweet news! A new word we can obsess about: "beleaguered."

JEFF ZELENY: Wolf, certainly very interesting if you dissect that. I mean, one, the president obviously trying to redirect attention to some other things.

I mean, as his son-in-law is, you know, before the committee behind closed doors, this is pretty extraordinary, Wolf. This marks a new chapter in this ongoing investigation here. Someone in the president's family, certainly his inner circle as well, on Capitol Hill.

So, the president certainly trying to divert attention, if you will. But if you look at that carefully, Wolf, I was most struck by the attorney general's comments. He called him beleaguered. This is the attorney general of the United States, Jeff Sessions. One of the, you know, earliest supporters of this president.

It is the latest attempt from this president to try and, you know, draw attention to Jeff Sessions. He's very displeased with him, as we know, because he recused himself from this Russia investigation.

But, Wolf, it continues to beg the question, does the president want his attorney general to stay on? I am told that they have still not had a face-to-face meeting since that interview last week with "The New York Times," when the president just exploded and unloaded on his attorney general.

So, Wolf, that was very interesting there in those words.

But I think as Suzanne was saying, I believe what we're going to hear from Jared Kushner, as he stands outside the White House momentarily, is talking a bit more about his answers to the questions this morning.

He put out a fairly extraordinary 11-page document this morning that talked about the four specific meetings he had with the Russian officials.

Wow. He called him "beleaguered." Okay, Mr. Zucker just whispered into my earpiece enough with that "beleaguered" shtick so here goes with the important stuff: Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner! And now we break down every nuance and Russian handshake into a handy dandy onscreen calendar chart. Sorry, we have not yet broken it down to the second but our Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner investigation team is working on that. 

BLITZER: As we await Jared Kushner and his statement, let's talk about what the latest developments are all about. With us here, our Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger; our Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash; our CNN Legal Analyst Laura Coates; and Ryan Lizza, CNN Political Analyst, Washington Correspondent for "The New Yorker Magazine."

Like all of us, Gloria, you've gone through the 11-page document. Pretty extraordinary that in advance of this interview he had with these congressional staffers, he publicly released what he was about to say and then he stood around for about two and half hours or so, answering their questions. All of this is very dramatic.

NEWSFLASH! We now have our exclusive Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner CNN panel. Could a Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner countdown clock be coming soon? All of this is very dramatic!

GLORIA BORGER: Well, it is very dramatic and he, kind of, took a page from Comey's book by putting his testimony out there. Although he isn't testifying publicly, as the former FBI director did.

Yes, very dramatic. 

HOORAY! We're back on message: Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner!

And now the most excitement from Wolf since he thought he sighted the Malaysian jet somewhere in the Indian ocean:

BLITZER: Hold on a second. Here comes Jared Kushner walking out of the west wing of the White House, down the driveway to the microphone. A rare public statement. Let's listen in.

I can hardly breath! The suspense is killing me!

JARED KUSHNER: Donald Trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign, and that is why he won. Suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him.

It is an honor to work with President Trump and his administration as we take on the challenges that he was elected to face, creating jobs for American people, keeping America safe, and eliminating barriers to achieving the American dream.

Thank you very much, and I look forward to taking questions from the House committee tomorrow.

Thank you.

BLITZER: All right, not sticking around and answering reporters' questions, and there are a lot of reporters' questions. He did answer questions for more than two hours earlier up on Capitol Hill from this closed-door meeting with congressional investigators. Repeating now publicly what he said in his opening statement, a statement that he released before he went up to Capitol Hill today. He said, I did not collude nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded with any foreign government. I had no improper contacts. I have not relied on Russian funds to finance my business activities in the private sector.

Basically, Gloria, reiterating, publicly now, hearing his voice, which we haven't heard all that often.

And now the Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner reaction from a really bummed out Gloria Borger:

BORGER: You know, reiterating, but also taking it into the political realm where he made it very clear, look, Donald Trump had a better message. He ran a better campaign. And suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him. Meaning, that this whole Russia controversy, you know, the implication is, the whole Russia controversy is being perpetrated by Democrats who can't stand the result of the election. And it was -- you know it was a political statement coming from Jared Kushner.

I can give you a brief outline of what was discussed on the rest of the Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner show: Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner!

Coming tomorrow exclusively on CNN: Kushner Kushner Trump Russia Kushner!