MSM Mysteriously Declines to ID Berkeley High Hate Crime Culprit

November 7th, 2015 4:32 PM

Come back, Sidney... I wanna chastise you... ---Lt. Harry Kello, "Sweet Smell of Success."

A shocking hate crime has hit that well known hotbed for Klan activity, Berkeley, California. A walkout of hundreds of Berkeley High School students with the support of their principal took place in outraged protest against a hateful message left on the school's computer. After angry demands for justice, the culprit was quickly  caught. And then a really strange thing happened. Namely almost nothing. Gone is the outrage from the protesters and suddenly a strangely incurious response from the mainstream media who seem reluctant to inquire into the identity of the culprit despite the fact he is probably already known to most of the Berkeley High student body. Before we analyze the mysterious reluctance of the MSM to reveal just who this dastardly culprit is, let us read about the big Berkeley walkout on Thursday, as reported by the Associated Press among many other media outlets:

BERKELEY, Calif. — At least 2,000 of Berkeley High School students walked out of class Thursday in protest of a racist message left on a computer screen a day earlier, district officials said.

The message referred to the Ku Klux Klan, using derogatory language related to African Americans and threatening a "public lynching" on Dec. 9.

The message was discovered Wednesday afternoon. Principal Sam Pasarow said in an email to the school community late Wednesday that the school is giving the investigation the "utmost attention," and it has filed a report with Berkeley Police Department.

District spokesman Marc Coplan told the San Francisco Chronicle that an estimated 2,000 of the school's 3,000 students had left school grounds to participate in a march, which moved to the University of California, Berkeley campus late Thursday morning.

"We really understand the students' pain, their anguish and their fear and are doing everything we can to work with Berkeley police and other agencies to figure out what happened," Coplan told the newspaper. "Our students are hurting tremendously. They're weeping. They're crying."

Am I also detecting a lot of smiling at being able to cut classes as you can see in the following video of the Berkeley High School walkout chock full of clenched fist communist salutes?

Fortunately, the culprit was caught shortly after the protests according to this Washington Post article, Berkeley High student admits to posting racist message that prompted protest:

A Berkeley High School freshman has confessed to leaving the racist message on a school computer that sparked a massive student protest this week, according to local media reports.

“I think the student is really aware of what this caused on our campus,” principal Sam Pasarow said, according to ABC affilate KGO. The student was interrogated and admitted to posting the message only after digital forensic analysis was performed on the computer, the station reported.

“The student is going to face pretty serious consequences,” Pasarow told KQED’s Devin Katayama. “I’m certainly a leader who believes in [repairing] harm in lieu of traditional discipline.”

Like what, Principal Pasarow? Are you going to chastise him? The reason for this suspicion is that the culprit seems not to fit the narrative of who he should be. This is confirmed by the sudden reluctance of the MSM to identify him along with a strange silence from the school protesters. These suspicions are echoed by many readers of a Los Angeles Times article about the revelation that a culprit had been caught along with the refusal to specifically identify him. Here are some same comments:

This reeks of a hoax perpetrated by a black kid. Why else would they not be sure if there will be charges or not? Why else would they already be sure that the kid had no intention of carrying anything out? There is no other reasonable conclusion.

MSM pushed story to side, & tone of urgency vanished. If white, this would lead MSM for a week.

These campus threats often are hoaxes perpetrated by a member of the group supposedly being threatened. The act gets attention and supports claims of victimization. When the hoax is discovered, if it's a student, the university treats it as a mental health issue and conceals the student's background, other than saying "No threat. No worry."

Oh, and a final word from Principal Pasarow on the "extreme" punishment to be meted out to the culprit who seems suspiciously not to fit the profile of whom they wanted him to be, thus no further inquiry by the MSM into the matter:

“All I can share is that we are considering all available consequences for the individual in response to the widespread hurt that these actions caused."

Yeah! Chastise him! Chastise him hard!