Rush Limbaugh: 'Media Get As Big a Thrill Defeating Conservatives As They Do Helping Obama'

July 31st, 2013 10:05 AM

"I think they get as big a thrill, just as all Democrats do, of defeating conservatives as they do helping Obama...The media has aligned with Obama to defeat Republicans, to defeat conservatives."

So said conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on Fox News's On the Record Wednesday (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):

RUSH LIMBAUGH: The truth is never presented in the mainstream media, where most of the low-information voters get what they think they know.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Why does the media give him a pass on it, if it's as you say? Why do they not hold him accountable for things he's said before?

LIMBAUGH: They agree with him. They are him. They are -- I think they're all part of the elitist New York/Washington/Boston media academic corridor, and they think they are Obama. They think -- the same education, the same schools, same worldview.

But there's also, I think -- you know, I've been doing my radio show for 25 years, and it's gotten to the point now where things are starting to repeat. You start hearing the same things over and over about the same issues, and you realize that not a whole lot really changes.

And the interesting thing to me about Obama and the media -- I think, Greta, the explanation, the short answer to your question is in 1988, you had CNN, the three networks and the newspapers, and that was it. There was a media monopoly. My radio show starts in 1988. Even by 1995, I was still the only conservative national media voice, other than some magazines, National Review, and so forth.

It wasn't until '96, '97 that FOX came along and other radio talk shows and the blogosphere as the Internet blossomed, and so forth. And I think that the media is very worried. They've lost their monopoly, and now they're in a competitive situation. And I think they get as big a thrill, just as all Democrats do, of defeating conservatives as they do helping Obama.

I think we've never lived in a more partisan country. We've never -- the Civil War not included. That was bad. But maybe aside from that, I can't remember a time where it's been more partisan, more divisive and getting worse, and being done on purpose. The division happens on purpose. The media has aligned with Obama to defeat Republicans, to defeat conservatives. And Obama is all about that. That makes them his best friend, and vice versa.