Looking for a "passionate, compassionate, great, great" man? Well, according to CNN’s Kyra Phillips, they do indeed exist.
During CNN’s live coverage of President Bush’s remarks from New Orleans, Phillips was unaware that her microphone was on and picked up portions of a conversation she was having with another woman, apparently in a CNN restroom. At 12:49pm EDT, those listening carefully could hear Phillips praise her husband:
Phillips: "Yeah, I’m very lucky in that regard with my husband. My husband is handsome and he is genuinely a loving, you know, no ego–you know what I’m saying. Just a really passionate, compassionate great, great human being. And they exist. They do exist. They’re hard to find. Yup. But they are out there."
Phillips also inadvertently revealed how she feels about her sister-in-law:
Phillips: "..Brothers have to be, you know, protective. Except for mine. I’ve got to be protective of him...Yeah. He’s married, three kids, but his wife is just a control freak."
Audio clip (1minute 38seconds): MP3 (478KB)
The full transcript is behind the cut [including one vulgarity]:
The audio of Phillips’ conversation could be heard overriding President Bush’s remarks approximately ten minutes into the President’s speech. While the President could be heard during the exchange, Phillips’ gaffe was very distracting:
Kyra Phillips: "–assholes–Yeah, I’m very lucky in that reg
ard with my husband. My husband is handsome and he is genuinely a loving, you know, no ego–[unintelligible] you know what I’m saying. Just a really passionate, compassionate great, great human being. And they exist. They do exist. They’re hard to find. Yup. But they are out there."
[unidentified woman]: ‘We’ll see. He’s going to come, you know, he’s set for an extended visit–[unintelligible]"
Phillips: "I mean, that’s, that’s how you figure it all out, those extended visits. [laughter]"
[unidentified woman]: "Yeah, but my mom, I think she really likes him."
Phillips: "Mom’s got a good vibe? Good."
[unidentified woman]: "Yeah, my brother’s the one that–[unintelligible]"
Phillips: "Brother–of course, brothers have to be, you know, protective. Except for mine. I’ve got to be protective of him."
[unidentified woman–unintelligible]
Phillips: "Yeah. He’s married, three kids, but his wife is just a control freak."
[unidentified woman #2]: "Kyra."
Phillips: "Yeah, baby?"
[unidentified woman #2]: "Your mic is on. Turn it off. It’s been on the air."
Seconds later, Daryn Kagan stumbled through this awkward transition:
Daryn Kagan: "Alright, we’ve been listening in to President Bush as he speaks in, uh, New Orleans today. This is the one year anniversary of Katrina making land shore there. President Bush saying if another natural disaster hits, our country–we must, uh, react better than that. Let’s listen in once again to President Bush."
UPDATE: Newsbusters readers may recall Kyra's 2005 on-air mix-up of John Bolton, the
UPDATE: Some media observers are beginning to wonder why it took so long for Phillips's mic to get cut. Was it deliberate? The official line: technical malfunction.
UPDATE: FNC hosts at "Fox and Friends" had a little fun mocking CNN's snafu.