Elite Lauer to Russert: Keg and a Noisemaker for New Year's?

December 29th, 2006 10:24 AM

Was it just good-natured joshing, or did some MSM elitism creep into Matt Lauer's interview-ending question to Tim Russert on this morning's "Today"?

"What's up for the New Year for you? Same thing as usual: keg of Old Milwaukee and a noise-maker?"

What's this? Condescension to Russert's blue-collar image leavened with a dab of drunken-Irishman humor? The camera crew burst into guffaws, but check the video - was Russert's laugh a bit more strained?

Matt and Dutch-born wife, former-model Annette Roque, might be well be staying in for New Year's, the couple recently having welcomed son Thijs into the world. But apparently nothing so plebeian as an American brew will pass Matt's lips. And those noisemakers. So . . . déclassé.

What will you be drinking for New Year's, NB readers?

Contact Mark, who truth be told will probably quaff a glass or two of good wine on New Year's, at mark@gunhill.