What Me, Worry? For Dowd, Radical Islamist 'Threat' Worthy Only of Scare Quotes

September 6th, 2006 7:04 AM

There is only one conclusion that can be drawn from her column of this morning: Maureen Dowd does not take seriously the threat to our security and civilization that radical Islam poses.

The putative focus of New Themes for the Same Old Songs [subscription required] was a two-for-one snipe at W and Katie Couric. Straining to find some kind of parallel between the two on the occasion of Couric's CBS Evening News debut, Dowd managed: "W. and Katie were both on TV at 6:30 last night, trying to prove they were a man. Katie won, by a whisker."

Pretty catty stuff. But of more significance as a barometer of the contemporary liberal mindset were Dowd's remarks on the Islamist threat or - in her mind - the lack thereof.

Wrote Dowd: 'W., Dick Cheney and Rummy are on a campaign to scare Americans into believing that limp-wristed Democrats will curtsy to Islamic radicals and Iranian tyrants, just as Chamberlain bowed to Hitler, and that

only the über-manly Republicans can keep totalitarianism, fascism and the Al Qaeda 'threat to civilization' at bay."

Note the scare quotes around "threat to civilization" - Dowd's unsubtle way of writing off the threat as so much hype. She exposes more of the same attitude later:

"W. and his henchmen are ratcheting up, fusing enemies willy-nilly, running around giving speeches with the simplistic, black-helicopter paranoid message: All those scary Arabs are in league to knock us off and institute the rule of Allah."

Let's start with an aside. Next time you hear a liberal decry mean-spirited conservatives who coarsen the tone of politics, remember this leading MSM columnist referring to the Vice-President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense as "henchmen."

But back to the main point. Does Dowd doubt that there are many Arabs - and fellow Muslims including the Iranians - who would indeed like to "to knock us off and institute the rule of Allah"? Someone get Maureen a copy of Eurabia as an early Christmas present.

Mark Finkelstein lives in the liberal haven of Ithaca, NY, where he hosts the award-winning, web-casted TV show Right Angle. Contact him at mark@gunhill.net