Editor’s Pick: CNSNews on MSNBC Attacking Parental Rights Since 2013

April 22nd, 2022 10:28 AM

On Thursday, CNSNews blog editor Craig Bannister offered readers a flashback to 2013, to show that MSNBC has been attacking parental rights for nearly a decade. “While MSNBC continues to smear and misrepresent Florida’s new ‘Parental Rights in Education’ law – even going so far as to call it a ‘terror tactic’ – the network’s propaganda calling for parents to have less say in how their children are raised is nothing new,” he explained.

Bannister recalled: “As far back as April of 2013 MSNBC has been touting a ‘collective notion,’ rather than a ‘private notion’ of raising children.” He highlighted: “In a 30-second promo for MSNBC’s Lean Forward campaign, then-MSNBC Host Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry argued that society must end the “private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” and instead adopt a ‘collective notion’ that kids ‘are our children’ and belong to the community.”

Read the full article at CNSNews.