Newsweek CW Pulls an Albright, Toasts North Korean Dictator

June 26th, 2008 10:57 AM

North Korea given up arrow by Newsweek | NewsBusters.orgNewsweek's Conventional Wisdom today is pulling a Madeleine Albright and toasting North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il on a deal with the United States. The dictator will destroy a nuclear reactor in exchange for the U.S. removing the reclusive, repressive regime from its list of terrorist states.

At right you can see a screen capture of the up arrow. The caption reads, "North Korea: U.S. to take it off the terror list after nuclear declaration. More cognac for the Dear Leader!"

Putting aside for a moment the matter of the wisdom or folly of the deal, since Newsweek CW clearly judges it wise, it's telling that the Bush foreign policy team is not given the thumbs up here instead of Kim Jong-Il.