Disgusting Joss Whedon Insinuates in Tweet That Paul Ryan Is a Pedophile [UPDATED]

April 27th, 2017 8:37 PM

UPDATE, 11:48 p.m. Eastern: Surprisingly, Whedon came to his senses and not only deleted the tweet in question, but apologized for it. Thanks to screencaps, his mistake will live on forever! Nonetheless, here's his apology: 


The pathetic behavior of action movie director Joss Whedon has been well documented here on NewsBusters, but his tweet on Thursday might be his worst one yet. In a Thursday evening tweet to his 178,000 followers, he used a picture of House Speaker Paul Ryan meeting young women at the U.S. Capitol to suggest Ryan’s a raging pedophile.

Here’s a screen cap of the tweet, which read “Tonight on White House Wife Hunt, Donny makes host P. Ryan give 2 more contestants the ‘Not a 10” card’”:

That spine-cringing tweet by a member of The Resistance was already pathetic, but it got worse. Yes, really.

Turns out, Ryan met with the young women at the Speaker’s Balcony in order to recognize them as survivors of childhood cancer. Here’s the tweet with the photo from Ryan’s government account:

Whedon is an unglued, childish lefty, but nonetheless, it’ll be difficult for his comrades to dispel the belief that these young ladies deserve an apology. 

On the other hand, as WMAL’s Chris Plante often says, it’s good to be a Democrat. In Whedon’s case, he will probably be emerge from this fiendish tweet unscathed.