NY Times on Hezbollah, the 'Social Service Network'

August 16th, 2006 1:49 PM

John Kifner's NY Times lead story from Beirut today, "Hezbollah Leads Work To Rebuild, Gaining Stature," is depressing enough on its face without typical Times labeling slant like this:

"Hezbollah’s reputation as an efficient grass-roots social service network -- as opposed to the Lebanese government, regarded by many here as sleek men in suits doing well -- was in evidence everywhere. Young men with walkie-talkies and clipboards were in the battered Shiite neighborhoods on the southern edge of Bint Jbail, taking notes on the extent of the damage."

Typically for the Times, the word "terrorism" does not appear in this story on the terrorist group.

For more New York Times bias, visit TimesWatch.