Stephen Colbert Says President Trump Has Always Been a Racist

June 4th, 2019 11:39 AM

It boggles the mind of the average American that a Hollywood celebrity, whose job it is to read other people’s words, believes they're morally superior to the vast majority of the country. Stephen Colbert is a prime example of someone who seems to have an extreme dislike for Donald Trump and his voters. The latest example? He casually dismissed Trump as “someone who’s already been racist for 69 years.” 

On The Late Show Monday night, Colbert dedicated a portion of the show to play an interview between the President’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Axios’ Jonathan Swan, in which Kushner denied the validity of one of the left’s favorite talking points that the President was a racist. Kushner commented, “you can't not be a racist for 69 years, and then run for president and be a racist.”



Colbert then proceeded with his predictable attack on Trump: “He's right. You don't just become a racist at 69 years old. But Trump was 67 when he called all Mexicans murderers and rapists, and 43 when he campaigned for death sentences for the central park five. So no, someone who isn't racist for 69 years might not turn into a racist, but someone who's already been racist for 69 years can really perfect it.”

Not only did Colbert praise Swan for repeatedly asking if the President was a racist, but he attacked Kushner for not agreeing with the reporter's nasty premise. It's easy for the media to be biased when they can count on that kind of support from entertainers like Colbert.

Click expand to view the transcript below:

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
11:54:52 PM

STEPHEN COLBERT: I also enjoy watching interviews. It's a professional thing. I like seeing somebody, like did you get them to answer your question? Really did you nail them or was it friendly, was it fun? There was an interesting interview this weekend with presidential son-in-law and Victorian ghost boy, Jared Kushner. The Kush sat down with Axios' Jonathan swan, who hit him with a real softball -- is Donald Trump a racist?
JONATHAN SWAN: Have your ever seen him say or do anything that you would describe as racist or bigoted?
JARED KUSHNER: So the answer is no, absolutely not. You can't not be a racist for 69 years, and then run for president and be a racist.
COLBERT: He's right. You don't just become a racist at 69 years old. But Trump was 67 when he called all Mexicans murderers and rapists, 43 when he campaigned for death sentences for the central park five, and a boyish 27 when the D.O.J. sued him and his father for racist housing policies. So no, someone who isn't racist for 69 years might not turn into a racist, but someone who's already been racist for 69 years can really perfect it.
COLBERT: Swan then helpfully gave Jared an example of trump being racist, and Jared's brain went to its panic room.
SWAN: Was birtherism racist?
KUSHNER: Look, I wasn't really involved in that
SWAN: I know you weren't. Was it racist?
KUSHNER: Like I said, I wasn't involved in that.
SWAN: I know you weren't. Was it racist?
KUSHNER: Look, I know who the President is and I have not seen anything in him that is racist. So again, I was not involved in that
SWAN: Do you wish he didn't do that?
KUSHNER: like I said I was not involved in that. That was a long time ago.
11:56:55 PM
COLBERT: Wow, Jared hasn't been taken to the woodshed like that since he was carved by geppetto.Also, what do you mean you weren't involved in that? What do you mean you weren't involved in that? It wasn't that long ago! Trump was pushing birtherism in 2016 Jared should remember that. It was the year he hit puberty. Swan also asked Jared about his better half Prince Mohammed bin Salman, seen here, still super getting away with that murder he did.