Telemundo: A Whole Seven Seconds' Worth Of Balance

February 24th, 2018 11:49 PM

Our domestic Spanish-language news networks march forward with their anti-Second Amendment biases on the back of the horrendous school shooting at Parkland, Florida. However, Telemundo managed to find a whole seven seconds for a pro-Second Amendment the spirit of balance.

Here's NRA TV host and commentator Gabby Franco, weighing in on President Trump's proposal to arm certain educators and school staff as part of a school-hardening initiative:

GABBY FRANCO, COMMENTATOR, NRATV: We have security at the banks. We have security at the Capitol. We have security at the White House, and we don't protect the children.

Telemundo simply listed Franco as "supports firearms". However, according to her NRA TV profile:

Tips & Tactics host and NRA News Commentator Gabby Franco is an NRA certified firearms instructor and former contestant on the History Channel's Top Shot. At the age of 19, the Venezuelan native was the first female to qualify for the Venezuelan Olympic Shooting Team, representing her country at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. In 2002, Gabby moved to the U.S. and she is passionate about her Second Amendment freedoms — having seen firsthand what happens in a country where the government strips its citizens of their rights.

Franco is uniquely equipped and qualified to clearly communicate the importance of preserving our Second Amendment rights, and to warn against the dangers of civilian disarmament. The most recent such initiative was in Franco's native Venezuela, where a gun grab in the aftermath of dictator Hugo Chavez' death paved the way for the abuses and atrocities now unfolding before us.

I'm sure that Franco had a lot more to say in what appears to be a studio interview but Telemundo saw fit only to air this seven-second clip within was a full two-minute report.

Even worse, these seven seconds of Gabby Franco are pretty much the entirety of pro-Second Amendment viewpoints broadcast on our domestic Spanish-language since the Parkland shooting.

Ironically, a vast majority of U.S. Hispanics came from (or descended from those who came from) places where there has long been gun control, with disastrous results- whether it is the PRI's "perfect dictatorship" in Mexico, the murderous Castro Regime in Cuba, the Castro puppet Maduro in Venezuela, or U.S. territory Puerto Rico, with a high crime rate despite gun laws every bit as onerous, if not more so, than Washington, D.C. or Chicago,

The shameful silencing of pro-Second Amendment vioces on Spanish-language news media continues apace, these seven seconds notwithstanding.