Vanity Fair Video Has Toddler Trump Trashing Oval Office

October 25th, 2016 2:41 PM

In a short video created by Vanity Fair, a suited toddler bearing resemblance to Donald Trump can be seen trashing a miniature Oval Office, fondling a Barbie doll and building a Lego wall. (Wait, I thought the mantra was: “When they go low, we go high?”)

The video, published on October 24, begins as young Donald enters his new office. He sits at his desk, and messily samples a taco bowl before building a Lego wall in front of alphabet blocks that spell “Mexico.” Snacking on Cheetos, Donald then encounters and grabs a Barbie doll, only to catch sight of a paper on his desk reading “Normal Sized Hand.”

This incites a tantrum. Donald grabs a toy chainsaw and begins to vandalize the place, throwing toys, toppling his wall and ripping the Bill of Rights asunder.

Maybe Vanity Fair has forgotten about the actual condition of the White House following the 2001 presidential transition. In 2002, according to The New York Times’ Robert Pear, the General Accounting Office reported $13,000-$14,000 in damages left by the Clinton administration. Although the investigative report was not able to determine whether the condition of the White House was worse in 2001 than it was after previous transitions, nothing like the intentional removal of Ws from keyboards (costing $4850 to replace) had ever been witnessed before.  

Tell the Truth 2016