Patrick Moore

MSNBC Mis-Corrects Fox Guest, Wrongly Hints CO2 Not Beneficial
March 13th, 2019 8:56 PM
On Tuesday's MSNBC Live, host Ali Velshi delivered the latest gem of an example of a self-anointed fact-checker trying to prove a conservative to be wrong about something only to get it substantially more wrong in his alleged correction. Responding to former Greenpeace president turned right-leaning analyst Patrick Moore attacking the Green New Deal plan, Velshi misleadingly gave the impression…

Upcoming Conference Will Challenge Media’s One-Sided Climate Agenda
June 25th, 2014 10:39 AM
Although the liberal media rarely acknowledge it, there is a perspective on climate change that isn’t their “the sky is falling” view.
Scientists, researchers and climate experts whose views are often ignored by the media will gather to share their views at the ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas, Nev., from July 7-9. The conference is being put on by The Heartland…
Former Greenpeace Official to Senate Panel: 'No Scientific Proof' of H
February 28th, 2014 1:48 PM
Patrick Moore is one of the early members of Greenpeace, and was an important official in that organization from 1971 to 1986.
Moore is among the last people one might expect to be a "climate change denier," as those who irritate us with the idea that human-caused global warming is "settled science" like to characterize people who disagree with them. But he is, as seen in Congressional…
Environmentalism Jeopardizes Civil Rights And American Freedom, Docume
October 19th, 2009 12:15 PM
Anti-human environmental extremists are advancing policies that are offensive to civil rights, dangerous to vulnerable populations and in conflict with American freedom, according to a new documentary that premiered Sunday evening.Global warming propaganda that distorts scientific data could have severe ramifications for average Americans, just as unfounded assertions over the use of DDT…