James Holmes

NBC's Isikoff Suggests 'Powerful NRA' Makes It Harder to Protect Theat
July 21st, 2012 11:25 PM
On Saturday's Today show, as NBC correspondent Michael Isikoff - formelry of Newsweek - filed a report on the drive to make people safer at movie theaters after the Aurora massacre, heconcluded his report by suggesting that, because "the powerful National Rifle Association has blocked any move for stricter gun laws," people will have to settle for "beefed-up security and greater vigilance," as…

Mark Levin Calls for ABC to Fire Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos
July 21st, 2012 6:23 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, ABC's Brian Ross, during a Good Morning America segment with co-host George Stephanopoulos, wrongly accused a Tea Party member of being Friday's Aurora, Colorado, mass murderer.
Later that day, conservative talk radio host Mark Levin said, "If ABC News corporate had an ounce of integrity it would fire both of them right now" (video follows courtesy Right…

AP: 'Gun Control Advocates Sputter At Their Own Impotence
July 21st, 2012 4:50 PM
"Gun control advocates sputter at their own impotence."
Such was the shocking opening sentence of a piece published by the Associated Press moments ago addressing the political aftermath of the tragic shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.

Falsely Accused Tea Partier to ABC's Brian Ross: 'What Kind of Idiot M
July 21st, 2012 3:30 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, ABC's Brian Ross on Friday falsely accused a Tea Party member of being the "James" Holmes that orchestrated the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado.
"Jim" Holmes during an interview with the Daily Caller had some harsh words for his accuser saying, "What kind of idiot makes that kind of statement?”

Denver Law Professor Scolds Piers Morgan: 'This Is the Wrong Night' to
July 21st, 2012 1:08 PM
CNN's Piers Morgan spent much of his show Friday advocating for stricter gun laws in the wake of the massacre in Aurora, Colorado.
Bucking this activism was Denver University law professor David Kopel who scolded his host, "I think this is the wrong night to be doing this. And I really wish you'd waited to have this segment until after the funerals" (video follows with transcript and…

Bill Maher Uses Aurora Massacre to Attack American Exceptionalism
July 21st, 2012 10:24 AM
Leave it to HBO's Bill Maher to use the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, to attack the belief in American exceptionalism.
On Friday, the vulgar comedian took to his Twitter account to claim that James Holmes' actions should be a "reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad":
NYT Quickly Gets Film Critic Roger Ebert to Write Op-Ed for Gun Restri
July 20th, 2012 5:09 PM
Just like clockwork, the liberal media have been out in force begging for stricter gun laws in the wake of Friday's tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado.
Playing its part was the New York Times which quickly sought the opinion of an expert on such matters, none other than film critic Roger Ebert: