Emmy Awards

Emmys #SoLeft: Biased Nominations Showcase Liberal Actors and Shows
July 14th, 2017 2:59 PM
Hollywood has never beat around the bush when it comes to proclaiming its politics -- and that includes the shows and stars the industry honors with nominations and awards. Yesterday, July 13, the complete list for the Emmy nominations was released. Most of nominees were shows or actors that supported Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders, in the case of Susan Sarandon), and…

NBC Wins Emmy for Slanted Coverage of Gay Marriage Ruling
September 22nd, 2016 11:00 AM
On Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer proudly announced that the network had received an Emmy award for its biased coverage of the Supreme Court’s 2013 ruling legalizing gay marriage across the country. Lauer told viewers: “By the way, the News and Documentary Emmy awards were held last night and NBC News and MSNBC picked up this one for our live coverage of the Supreme Court's landmark…

Emmy Awards Declare 'Topple the Patriarchy!' 'Obama Out, Hillary In!'
September 19th, 2016 3:15 AM
The 68th Primetime Emmy Awards host Jimmy Kimmel dutifully proclaimed that this year’s award show was “the most diverse ever.” But, much like last year’s show, diversity means liberal Hollywood's brand of in-your-face transgender agendas, feminist themes, Hillary support, and Trump bashing.

Sesame Street Puppeteer, Alleged Pederast Kevin Clash, Nominated for T
May 2nd, 2013 12:45 PM
"When the Daytime Emmy nominees were unveiled Wednesday, some of the more interesting noms went unreported," the Washington Post's Lisa de Moraes noted in a blog post yesterday afternoon. Interesting is quite the euphemism in the case of nominee Kevin Clash.
Clash, you may recall, is the Sesame Street puppeteer who resigned last November after allegations of a sexual relationship with a…