Christian Conservative Groups DEMAND Apology for Przybyla’s Smears

February 29th, 2024 2:46 PM

Last week on MSNBC’s All In, Politico investigative correspondent Heidi Przybyla publicly displayed her lack of knowledge of the American Founding by stating that Natural Law did not originate from a higher power. Clearly ignoring essentially every founding document of the U.S. Additionally, she falsely assumed that Christian Nationalists were the only subset of Christianity that …

CNN's Lame Excuse for Not Airing Pro-life Ad Tonight

February 24th, 2009 12:08 PM
Folks watching President Obama's first address to Congress on CNN tonight will not see's latest ad (embedded at right) reportedly because network executives think the ad falsely attributes pro-life political views to the nation's chief executive.As Christianity Today's Stan Guthrie reported on Friday:Brian Burch of says CNN has rejected the group's "Imagine" ad…