MSNBC Bashes Castro for Hit on Biden's Health, Love Doing It to Trump
September 13th, 2019 2:16 PM
During MSNBC’s post-Democratic debate analysis on Thursday night and early Friday, former HUD Secretary Julian Castro was widely condemned for his attack on former Vice President Joe Biden for his false claim about his health care policy and suggesting the elderly Biden was mentally showing his age. But for anyone with a pulse, it’s amazing that the cast of characters were so enraged by Castro…
MSNBC: Trump Tweets Are Sign of 'Crisis Level' 'Psychological Duress'
March 18th, 2019 9:35 PM
MSNBC’s Deadline: White House is known as being a hub for those willing to do or say anything to slime President Trump. On Monday’s edition of the show, they proved that to be true yet again when they dedicated the first segment to the suggestion that the President’s weekend tweetstorm was somehow an outward symptom of some sort of “crisis level” “psychological duress” brought on from a mental “…
MSNBC Guest Jokes About Using Time Machine to Change Trump, Not Hitler
September 13th, 2018 10:54 PM
Likely still bitter after having wasted millions trying to make Jeb Bush president, Republican strategist and frequent MSNBC guest Mike Murphy quipped on Thursday’s Deadline: White House that he wouldn’t have used to a time machine to go back in time to stop Hitler but instead change Donald Trump.
MSNBC Host Spends Show Asking How SC Nominee Could Be Obstructed
June 28th, 2018 3:32 PM
Justice Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, and the ramifications sent the media into a frenzy over all things Supreme Court. On MSNBC Live with Katy Tury, stand-in host Steve Kornacki did not speculate on the best replacement for Kennedy but instead asked four different guests about the possibility of Republicans failing to confirm President Trump’s nominee to the high court.
Lies: Lemon Says Trump's Sanity Isn't Being Questioned, Smears Critics
August 24th, 2017 12:11 AM
Wednesday’s CNN Tonight had no chance of surpassing the hall of shame lunacy showcased the day before after the Trump rally calling out the President’s mental health. However, host Don Lemon briefly lashed out at people who called him out, spreading lies that critics should “know better” and not make “a political point” by saying Trump’s sanity is being questioned.
NBC: ‘Judas Cruz’ ‘Blew Himself Up’ With RNC Speech
July 21st, 2016 11:36 AM
On Thursday, NBC’s Today blasted Ted Cruz in the most hyperbolic terms over the Texas Senator’s unwillingness to endorse Donald Trump during a Wednesday night speech at the Republican National Convention. Co-host Savannah Guthrie went biblical on the conservative lawmaker: “Peter King said it was a disgrace, that he's a liar. Chris Christie said it was an awful and selfish speech. I was walking…
Nets Decry ‘Raw Red Meat’ at RNC, ‘Most Conservative Platform’
July 19th, 2016 1:54 PM
On Tuesday, all three network morning shows worried over the Republican convention being too conservative and throwing “raw red meat” to the party base. On NBC’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie fretted: “Okay, let’s talk about the tone of last night. There was a lot of red meat for the base. Is that good strategy? Is this going to be a base election?”
'Meet the Press' Panel: Losing Senate Would Actually Be Good for Dems
September 15th, 2014 4:07 PM
In preparation for Democrats possibly losing control of the Senate in the midterm election, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd and his panel actually tried to preemptively spin such a defeat as a good thing for the Democratic Party. On Sunday, Todd proclaimed: "What everybody in Washington knows but won't say, and that is, secretly...I'm convinced, I think we know this, Hillary Clinton would…
NBC's Gregory Hypes Claims 'Conservative Opposition' to Immigration Bi
June 24th, 2013 12:56 PM
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory lobbed this softball to Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez about the immigration bill being debated in Congress: "...are you going to be able to overcome conservative opposition to the idea of reforming a pathway to citizenship to get meaningful reform?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]
Later on the show,…
Rush Limbaugh Fights Back Against Failed GOP Consultants
November 21st, 2012 5:38 AM
Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh responded on Monday to comments from Republican strategists Mike Murphy and Steve Schmidt, who have called on the party to “stray away from a vision” that is right out of the conservative commentator's “dream journal.”
The radio personality deflected the criticism, noting that the moderate GOP consultants got the candidate they wanted -- former…
NBC RINO Demands GOP Abandon Conservative Principles 'Right Out of Rus
November 19th, 2012 11:03 AM
Last week it was Republican strategist Steve Schmidt blaming Mitt Romney's loss on conservative "loons and wackos," this week on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, fellow Republican strategist Mike Murphy joined the media chorus demanding the GOP move left: "...if we don't modernize conservatism, we can go extinct....we've got to get kind of a party view of America that's not right out of Rush…
GOP Strategist Beats the Press: 'Media Assumes There's No Such Thing i
October 22nd, 2012 3:03 PM
Appearing as a panelist on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, Republican strategist Mike Murphy called out journalists for refusing to provide balanced coverage of abortion: "It's always amazed me how the media assumes there's no such thing in the world as a pro-life woman, it's the most under-represented, you know, group in the world, we never talk about them." [Listen to the audio or watch the…
On CBS, Norah O'Donnell Grills GOP Strategist; Takes Romney's Abortion
October 10th, 2012 2:56 PM
Norah O'Donnell hounded Republican strategist Mike Murphy on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, repeatedly hinting that Mitt Romney flip-flopped on the issue of abortion during his Tuesday interview with The Des Moines Register. O'Donnell conspicuously failed to mention that during the same interview, Romney promised to "reinstate the Mexico City policy....that foreign aid dollars...would not be…
NPR Hires Mike Murphy's GOP Lobbying Firm to Preserve Its Taxpayer Boo
July 25th, 2012 10:45 PM
The Hill reported that National Public Radio has hired the firm Navigators Global to preserve federal subsidies through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The House GOP majority has organized several votes and bills to defund public broadcasting, and Navigators Global is a lobbying shop chock full of Republicans -- the most notable being Mike Murphy, the former Mitt Romney strategist.…