Open Thread

July 14th, 2009 9:46 AM

For general discussion and debate. Possible talking point: should Republicans pass on Sotomayor showdown?

[N]ow that comedian Al Franken has been officially seated in the Senate, why should the GOP start a fight it can’t win? After all, it seems a metaphysical certitude Sotomayor is going to be confirmed. With this in mind, Republicans shouldn’t waste a penny of their dwindling political capital on this battle. Given the media’s affection for the judge, let alone for Obama, any contest mounted will be reported as purely sexist and racist irrespective of the grounds. From a public opinion perspective, fighting this nomination is a lose-lose situation. By contrast, given Obama’s declining poll numbers, and the appearance that the public is growing weary of all this spending and debt creation as unemployment continues to rise, an unexpectedly peaceful confirmation process could be a win-win for the right.

Read the whole piece and offer your thoughts.