Save the Planet: Don't Buy Video Games This Christmas

November 28th, 2008 1:56 PM
With the economy falling off a cliff, and this shaping up to be the worst Christmas shopping season in many decades, it is almost impossible to imagine a major scientific periodical advising readers to not buy video games for their kids because of how they exacerbate climate change.This seems even more preposterous coming coincident with the release of a new international study that found the…

Magazine Uses all Anti-Right Examples to Show 'How Media Messes With Y

February 21st, 2008 12:31 PM
This report by Scientific American is a hoot for its blatant hypocrisy. With the title of their piece, "Getting Duped: How Media Messes With Your Mind,", it appears that Scientific American is trying to set itself up as the bringers of truth to all those confused by the "surreptitiously" misleading media. Their piece is ostensibly a warning on how the media is misleading us all. Their subtitle…

Sci Am Worried Newsweek’s ‘Global Warming Is A Hoax*’ Headline i

August 8th, 2007 4:48 PM
I received an e-mail message from a global warming skeptic yesterday suggesting that Newsweek's disgraceful article about climate change "deniers" could backfire given the facetious headline "Global Warming Is A Hoax*" on the cover. The thinking was that since far more people would see the magazine at the newsstands than would actually buy it and read the article, a much larger number of people…