Media Find Recruiting Pool in Liberal Blogosphere

The amateur liberal blogosphere is dead, according to a prominent lefty blogger. Chris Bowers made his proclamation Thursday, on the heels of the New York Times's acquisition of FiveThirtyEight, a prominent liberal polling site run by Nate Silver.Silver, pictured right, was the latest in a string of moves from the liberal blogosphere to traditional media outlets. The Washington Post has, with…
Lachlan Markay
June 6th, 2010 12:46 PM

Commemorating D-Day June

As is our tradition at NewsBusters, we are commemorating the 66th anniversary of D-Day. I have found a number of really great videos that I hope properly capture the spirit of the occasion.First up, this one was supposedly created by an eighth-grader for a history project. Really fabulous.Next up, actual live footage of the invasion courtesy The History Channel. As no film out of Hollywood has…
Noel Sheppard
June 6th, 2010 12:29 PM

AP Changes Clinton-Era History To Call Elena Kagan Pragmatic

The Associated Press apparently thinks its readers are either too young or too stupid to remember something that happened thirteen years ago.On Friday, the Clinton Presidential Library released formerly private documents from the '90s that revolved around Elena Kagan's stint as an advisor to President Clinton. Of particular interest was her encouraging Clinton to veto a ban on partial birth…
Candance Moore
June 6th, 2010 12:20 PM

Open Thread

NB Staff
June 6th, 2010 11:32 AM

Golodryga: Palin 'Of All People' Comes To Nikki Haley's Defense

How does an MSMer imply there's something to the allegations of adultery made against Nikki Haley, a Tea Party fave running for the GOP nomination for governor of South Carolina?  Express shock that family-values champion Sarah Palin would come to Haley's defense.That was precisely Bianna Golodryga's gambit this morning.  Here's how the co-host of the Good Morning America weekend edition teased…
Mark Finkelstein
June 6th, 2010 9:18 AM

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Sells Liberal Groups Like Soap on 'Young Turks

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan moonlighted on the leftist radio show The Young Turks on May 27 and the show's YouTube channel carries a series of those interviews, in which Ratigan helpfully promoted the left-wing causes with loving air time. Take his interview with Jon Soltz of the liberal group, and he promoted their new campaign commercial for a “climate change” bill. Apparently, you help…
Tim Graham
June 6th, 2010 7:59 AM

'Forbes on Fox' Panel Argues for Detonating Nukes to Plug Oil Spill

Fox News show consisting of Forbes magazine editorial board offers 'nuclear option' to stem flow of oil from BP spill.
Jeff Poor
June 6th, 2010 7:07 AM

Fox News 'Forbes on Fox' Panel: Detonate Nukes in Gulf to Stop Oil Spi

How's this for outside-the-box thinking - use nuclear explosives to stop the BP oil spill that is ravaging the Gulf Coast? According to some of the panelist on Fox News Channel's "Forbes on Fox," using nuclear materials would be a more expeditious way to solve this calamity. "That's right, nuke it." "Forbes on Fox" host David Asman said on the show's June 5 broadcast. "Some scientists do…
Jeff Poor
June 6th, 2010 12:22 AM

Limbaugh Wedding Vicodin, Reagan Only ‘Acted’ Like a President, Ma

I watch HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher so you don’t have to. The most-noteworthy vitriol from Friday night’s show that I tweeted last night -- seven quotes, in sequence, you can read in less than a minute: ♦ Bill Maher opening monologue joke about Rush Limbaugh’s wedding: “They say, instead of throwing rice, throw Vicodin.” ♦ Maher, interviewing Paul Begala, channeling Obama’s reaction to those…
Brent Baker
June 5th, 2010 11:23 PM

Daily Kos Imagines 'Fat, Repulsive Angel of Death Cheney' Gloating Ove

Daily Kos boss Markos Moulitsas is scheduled to appear on Jake Tapper's Sunday roundtable on This Week tomorrow. It would be great -- although the odds are very slim -- if Tapper would quote some of this Daily Kos bilge and ask Moulitsas to defend it. This Saturday morning post by Karen Hedwig Backman imagined Dick Cheney as a malevolent Angel of Death. It's called "Dick Cheney's Dismal Swamp of…
Tim Graham
June 5th, 2010 11:22 PM

Pacifica Radio Dedicated Memorial Day to Ripping Ronald Reagan, That

On the occasion of Memorial Day, the radical-left Pacifica radio network devoted their hour of "Democracy Now" programming to the soft-spoken radical leftist whack-a-demic Noam Chomsky, who ripped into Ronald Reagan as a singular criminal: Another stunning illustration of the success of propaganda, which has considerable import for the future, is the cult of the great killer and torturer Ronald…
Tim Graham
June 5th, 2010 10:47 PM

Students in Constitution Class Are Probably Fringy Militia Types, WaPo

Saturday's Washington Post carried a story by reporter Krissah Thompson on constitution classes in Springfield, Missouri on its front page. The headline was anodyne: “For answers to today's problems, Fathers know best: Conservative group's course on Constitution touts founders' wisdom.” But Thompson is traveling halfway across the country to identify the fringes of the right wing, a Glenn Beck-…
Tim Graham
June 5th, 2010 4:35 PM

CBS Feigns Concern for How Tea Party Candidates Are Detriment to Repub

“Up next, why some Republicans are starting to wish the Tea Party was over,” Katie Couric teased Friday night as CBS feigned concern over how Tea Party candidates are too “extreme” to win. CBS News political analyst John Dickerson delivered the usual media warning, just with a new entity to blame for pushing Republicans too far to the right: “The passion that was so important in primaries for Tea…
Brent Baker
June 5th, 2010 3:39 PM

Bozell Column: The 'Glee' Agenda

Bill O'Reilly recently hosted a “culture warriors” segment at Fox News where both “warriors” agreed that homosexuality is morally acceptable. That same no-debate mentality has been a regular drumbeat on the Fox television series “Glee,” a musical drama/comedy about a high school glee club in Lima, Ohio. This show is wildly popular because of the music. Songs performed on the show sell feverishly…
Brent Bozell
June 5th, 2010 12:27 PM