Pleasant Surprise: Networks Include God in Chilean Miners’ Rescue

The world watched as 33 Chilean miners were pulled from a deep Chilean mine after 70 grueling days, and their harrowing rescue was nothing short of miraculous. Several miners credited God with their comfort and rescue, and the media played along nicely. “I met God, I met the Devil – God won.” This now famous quote, from Mario Sepulveda, the second Chilean miner to be pulled to safety,…
Erin R. Brown
October 15th, 2010 3:37 PM

Schultz Claims GOP Wants to Create 'Little China Workforce' Out of Une

In his latest meandering diatribe, MSNBC left-wing bloviator Ed Schultz yesterday hilariously mischaracterized the Republican Party's position on education reform as a scheme to create a cheap labor force of ignorant Americans by abolishing public education. "They want us to be just like the folks in Indonesia," fumed Schultz. "They love the cheap labor. They love the 40 cents an hour…
Alex Fitzsimmons
October 15th, 2010 3:26 PM

U.S. Chamber of 'Terror Companies

Wednesday's wacky edition of the Stephanie Miller show spread the noxious idea that somehow the Chamber of Commerce was comparable to "terror companies" -- or that's what Fox News would call them, because they're apparently well-known smear artists. The charge came from leftist columnist and Media Matters staffer Karl Frisch, as Miller begged him to share his latest column full of liberal…
Tim Graham
October 15th, 2010 1:55 PM

Newsweek's Advice to Christine O'Donnell: Submit to a Husband and Open

After getting spanked in the November 2 election, Christine O'Donnell needs to find herself a good Christian man to submit to. Or she could open a Wiccan supply store.  Those are just two of the six mocking suggestions that Newsweek's David Graham came up with yesterday on the magazine's The Gaggle blog for the Delaware Republican Senate nominee's future. Graham's list is just more evidence…
Ken Shepherd
October 15th, 2010 12:59 PM

Networks Pan Reid Debate Performance, But CBS, NBC Still Skip Democrat

Viewers who watched the three morning shows on Friday were greeted with a less than enthusiastic review of Harry Reid's debate performance on Thursday. On ABC's Good Morning America, Jon Karl announced, "Reid often rambled." On CBS's Early Show, Ben Tracy called the event "a debate that, at times, found Harry Reid exasperated." NBC's Today was the least critical, announcing only that Reid had "…
Scott Whitlock
October 15th, 2010 12:53 PM

How Pro-Obama Is it Now? Oprah to Fly Jon Stewart's Audience to DC for

In case Arianna Huffington plotting to spend an estimated quarter-million dollars on buses to the liberal Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally didn’t paint it as an Obama event, how about Oprah Winfrey? The Obama-endorsing, Obama-campaign-stumping Winfrey appeared via satellite on Thursday night’s episode of The Daily Show to announce that she was going to fly Stewart’s audience to Washington, D.C…
Tim Graham
October 15th, 2010 12:20 PM

The Sophistry of Chris Coons' Professed Loyalty to the Constitution

It is interesting and disappointing that so many politicians treat "faith" — at least the Christian faith — as a poison pill they cannot touch, much less swallow. Republicans often run from it because of PC intimidation, and Democrats because it's in their DNA to do so.
David Limbaugh
October 15th, 2010 12:06 PM

Rolling Stone Love Letter To Obama: He's The Best President Since LBJ

With less than three weeks to go before the crucial midterm elections, the folks at Rolling Stone magazine have decided to pen a love letter to Barack Obama clearly in the hopes of motivating readers to get out and vote for Democrats. Forget about the President's horrible poll numbers and the feeling by a stunning number of Americans that the country is on the wrong track, the current White…
Noel Sheppard
October 15th, 2010 11:45 AM

MRC's Bozell Addresses Harry Smith's Swipe at Tea Party 'Anger' on Oct

When mainstream media folks like Harry Smith dismiss the Tea Party movement as merely voters venting their anger, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell is reminded of the dismissive reaction of journalists back when Republicans won control of Congress 16 years ago. Here's what he told viewers of the October 15 "Fox & Friends":
NB Staff
October 15th, 2010 11:02 AM

Joy Behar Hosts Truther Jesse Ventura to Decry 'Spineless Puke' Bill O

For Joy Behar, saying Muslims killed Americans on September 11, 2001 is "hate speech," but saying the American government did it is perfectly acceptable and well within the bounds of civil discourse. That, at least, is the standard she set forth yesterday, first throwing a temper tantrum on "The View" when Bill O'Reilly noted the religious identities of the 9/11 terrorists, and then calmly…
Lachlan Markay
October 15th, 2010 10:50 AM

Uproar Over ‘Gay’ Film Trailer Further Exposes GLAAD’s Increasin

GLAAD is just one of those organizations like PETA that you can’t help but feel sorry for.  Their stars are waning; their time has passed.  PETA can only grab a headline i
Ezra Dulis
October 15th, 2010 10:00 AM

Chris Matthews Uses Chilean Miners To Promote Democrats In Midterms

Chris Matthews' level of political advocacy as we approach November's elections has now crossed from being unprofessional into almost pathological.  After claiming on Wednesday's "Hardball" that the Chilean miners would all be dead if they followed the so-called "every man for himself" philosophy of the Tea Party movement, he proceeded on Thursday to use this incident as an example of why…
Noel Sheppard
October 15th, 2010 9:56 AM

WaPo Defines It As 'Public Awareness' to Say GOP Will Release Terroris

While media liberals obsess about negative ads funded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, federal worker unions are savagely attacking the Tea Party in a forthcoming radio ad campaign. "We would love to be very bipartisan, but it's hard to be bipartisan when one side is just trying to cut your throat," said John Gage of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) in Friday's Washington…
Tim Graham
October 15th, 2010 6:57 AM

Vince Vaughn Takes on PC Whiners Over Gay Joke

Alana Goodman
October 15th, 2010 12:00 AM