While Islamists Work to Censor Adam Lambert, Gutless GLAAD Protests Mo

This Thursday, October 14, 2010, glam rocker Adam Lambert has a concert scheduled in Malaysia. However, there’s a catch: Homosexuality is a crime in Malaysia, where Muslims are in an uproar because Lambert is a poster-child for gay flamboyance. (The penalty for engaging in homosexual acts in Malaysia can be as much as twenty years in prison.) Thus, although Malaysian authorities have given…
AWR Hawkins
October 14th, 2010 12:04 PM

ABC Slams Christine's O'Donnell's 'Cringe-Inducing' Debate Performance

On Thursday's Good Morning America, reporter Claire Shipman knocked Christine O'Donnell for a "cringe-inducing" answer during a debate, Wednesday, but downplayed and ignored awkward moments from the candidate's Democratic opponent. Shipman derided, "But, while she was quick to accuse her opponent of politics as usual, she stumbled on a question that many consider to be Politics 101." Co-…
Scott Whitlock
October 14th, 2010 11:48 AM

Journey to Destruction

Researchers announced Monday they had injected embryonic stem cells into a patient suffering from a spinal cord injury. It marked the world's first human clinical trial of a procedure developed from such a source. The procedure took place at Shepherd Center, a spinal cord injury facility in Atlanta. The use of embryonic stem cells for such purposes had been banned under the Bush administration…
Cal Thomas
October 14th, 2010 11:26 AM

MRC Announces M. Stanton Evans Winner of 2010 Buckley Award for Media

"I've been looking for years to find a man like him.... I've combed the whole goddam country. There are lots of good journalists around, but they're all cockeyed left-wingers." That's how  publisher Eugene C. Pulliam  praised M. Stanton Evans in 1960, when he tapped the 26-year-old conservative Yale graduate and close friend of National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. to edit the…
Ken Shepherd
October 14th, 2010 11:02 AM

Laura Ingraham Takes On CSI Creator Over Tea Party Bashing Episode

Conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday took on the creator and executive producer of the hit television series "CSI" over the season premiere which featured teen heartthrob Justin Bieber as a "domestic terrorist with Tea Party leanings." "If that’s not a drive-by hit against the Tea Party movement, then I don’t know what is," Ingraham told her guest Anthony Zuiker (audio…
Noel Sheppard
October 14th, 2010 11:01 AM

Media Expand Left-Wing Attack on Chamber of Commerce over 'Foreign' Co

Liberals are so angry that conservatives are outspending them this election cycle, the president, MSNBC and left-wing bloggers have resorted to attacks on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Liberal website Think Progress, an arm of the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, claimed that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was soliciting foreign money and using it for political attack ads here…
Julia A. Seymour
October 14th, 2010 10:16 AM

Worst of the Week: Team Obama's Media Helpers Hide Bad News for Democr

While network correspondents complain about the unfairness of independent advertising, they might ponder the unfairness of their habitual tendency to omit or downplay bad news for Team Obama, especially in the crucial last weeks of a campaign. Consider some of the latest stories that would have drawn much more attention and media hostility if the shoe was on the Republican foot:
Tim Graham
October 14th, 2010 9:43 AM

WaPo Dredges Up 2006 Dick Cheney Shooting Accident, Says Cheney Never

In a case of curious timing, as the Democrats collapse in the polls, the big, splashy front-page story in Thursday's Style section of The Washington Post is "Since Dick Cheney shot him, a lawyer's aim has been to move on." Reporter Paul Farhi is quite positive about lawyer Harry Whittington, who still carries birdshot in his face and body from the quail-hunting accident in February 2006, but…
Tim Graham
October 14th, 2010 8:59 AM

Open Thread: Media Bias, Chicago-style

A few local reporters in Chicago were not happy that William Kelly of WIND Radio was asking Rahm a few tough questions. So they decided to play some defense...more literally than you might think:
NB Staff
October 14th, 2010 8:53 AM

O'Donnell vs. O'Donnell: Norah Calls Christine 'Freak Show

So now we know what Norah thinks of that other O'Donnell, Christine.  On today's Morning Joe, the MSNBC O'Donnell referred to the Delaware Senate candidate as a "freak show." Norah's nasty gibe was a segue off Mike Barnicle's observation that people were fascinated by the miner rescue story because, amidst all the artifice of politics and culture, it was something real.
Mark Finkelstein
October 14th, 2010 6:47 AM

Krauthammer Not Surprised Obama Unaware of Shovel-Ready Jobs: No Shove

It’s quite remarkable to think about and unfortunately it is true. Throughout the 2009 stimulus debate early in his term, President Barack Obama and other Democrats argue it was time to put America to work with the aid of the government and so-called “shovel-ready jobs.” But in a startling admission in an interview with The New York Times’ White House correspondent Peter Baker, Obama said “…
Jeff Poor
October 14th, 2010 12:44 AM

Cry Babies: 'View' Hosts Walk Out on O'Reilly During Heated Mosque Deb

Whoopi calls O'Reilly's claims 'bull****' before storming off stage
Alana Goodman
October 14th, 2010 12:00 AM

Controversial Video Game Only Renames Taliban, 'Opposition Forces

EA's 'Medal of Honor' fails to remove divisive enemy combatant multi-player option.
Erin Brown
October 14th, 2010 12:00 AM

Tribune Newspapers Exec Suspended Over NSFW E-mail

Lee Abrams, the eccentric chief innovation officer for Tribune newspapers -- and no stranger to NewsBusters criticism  -- has reportedly been suspended for sending co-workers a not-safe-for-work (NSFW) e-mail. Phil Rosenthal and Michael Oneal of the Chicago Tribune reported the story this afternoon (story accessed here via the Los Angeles Times):
Ken Shepherd
October 13th, 2010 11:12 PM