Lowry Calls Obama Classless, Clift Asks 'What Would You Expect From Ke

For the second week in a row, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift and National Review's Rich Lowry had quite a battle on PBS's "McLaughlin Group." This time the fireworks started when Lowry called President Obama classless for the way he treated Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) at Wednesday's speech on deficit reduction which led Clift to ask, "What else would you expect from a socialist born in Kenya…
Noel Sheppard
April 17th, 2011 8:02 PM

AP's Feller Asks Obama About Thursday 'Third World' Comment the Wire S

The Associated Press's Ben Feller interviewed President Obama on Friday. In the transcript, Feller interrupts Obama's long-winded response to his previous softball question ("Are the Republican leaders lacking compassion and they're pessimistic?") by beginning another question, which is shown as having been stopped before completion: Q. You said they might lead us to third world - It's…
Tom Blumer
April 17th, 2011 7:15 PM

Howard Kurtz Doesn't Know Why 'So-called Liberal Media' Ignore Left's

CNN's Howard Kurtz is either astonishingly naive or so strongly in the tank for Barack Obama that he's willing to ignore the totally obvious to assist the President's reelection efforts. On Sunday's "Reliable Sources," Kurtz actually discussed with far-left guests Joan Walsh of Salon and John Aravosis of Americablog.com - without ever disclosing the painfully inconvenient truth! - why the "so…
Noel Sheppard
April 17th, 2011 6:42 PM

Befuddled Bob Schieffer: ‘Why Do These Rich People Need Another Tax

“Why do these rich people need another tax cut?” Bob Schieffer demanded of his guest on Sunday morning’s Face the Nation, Republican Congressman Paul Ryan. Conveying his no-so-profound economic reasoning, Schieffer saw a pot of money to be absconded: “I mean, they're already rich. They seem to be doing pretty well as it is now. Why cut their taxes some more?” After Ryan explained his proposal…
Brent Baker
April 17th, 2011 4:45 PM

ABC's 'This Week': Obama Isn't Drinking Tea Party's Tax Cut Kool-Aid

As NewsBusters previously reported, ABC's "This Week" invited on a number of Tea Party Congressman Sunday to discuss the budget debate going on in Washington. Just before that segment, ABC's John Donvan did a brief report that concluded with him insinuating that this conservative movement is drinking tax cut Kool-Aid and President Obama is having none of it (video follows with transcript and…
Noel Sheppard
April 17th, 2011 4:26 PM

Chris Matthews: 'Why Is Taxing The Rich So Hard

As NewsBusters has been reporting, since President Obama once again proposed letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the highest earning Americans, the media have been supporting it almost 24 hours a day. Doing his part this weekend was Chris Matthews who after the introduction of the syndicated program bearing his name actually began the show, "Why is taxing the rich so hard?" (video follows…
Noel Sheppard
April 17th, 2011 3:10 PM

Ben Stein Blames ‘Excessive Tax Cuts’ & ‘Voodoo Economics’ for

During a pre-recorded commentary aired on CBS’s Sunday Morning show, right-leaning actor and economist Ben Stein - also a CBS contributor - blamed "excessive tax cuts" enacted by former President Bush and congressional Republicans for "starting the problem" of the current federal budget deficit, and advocated raising taxes on the wealthy in addition to "major spending cuts" and changes in…
Brad Wilmouth
April 17th, 2011 3:10 PM

Tea Party Congressman Scolds Christiane Amanpour and Media for Not Cri

Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) had quite an illuminating discussion with Christiane Amanpour Sunday. As the host of ABC's "This Week" pushed for higher taxes, Walsh correctly pointed out that Barack Obama's first 2012 budget proposed earlier in the year didn't address entitlement programs saying, "The President of the United States ought to be ashamed of himself, and I don't know…
Noel Sheppard
April 17th, 2011 12:55 PM

CNBCer Strikes Back at Andrew Sullivan for Calling Wall Street 'Parasi

Liberal media members better learn that if they step onto a set with CNBC's Becky Quick, they better bring their "A" game when talking about business and finance or they'll end up looking foolish. Such was the case on this weekend's "The Chris Matthews Show" when Andrew Sullivan called Wall Street a "parasite class...producing nothing" only to be forcibly corrected by Quick (video follows…
Noel Sheppard
April 17th, 2011 10:50 AM

Helen Thomas to Offer Keynote Speech Protesting Netanyahu, Accept Awar

The Snapshots blog picked up this item from the Israel newspaper Ha'aretz: leftist former White House correspondent Helen Thomas will be the keynote speaker on May 21 for a "Move Over AIPAC" rally against defenders of Israel as AIPAC hosts Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu:    A series of protests against Israeli policy and its support by AIPAC are planned in May to coincide with the…
Tim Graham
April 17th, 2011 7:10 AM

AFP Pic Caption, Video Description: 'Tea Party Radicals Rally on Tax D

A photo taken at a Tea Party demonstration in Boston carried at Yahoo News carries the following caption (HT Powerline): VIDEO: April 15 was tax day in the United States, and Tea Party radicals used it to stage demonstrations across the country, including near the site of the original Boston Tea Party revolt of the colonial era. The photo was grabbed from an Agency France-Presse video with…
Tom Blumer
April 16th, 2011 11:08 PM

Captionfest: Biden Falls Asleep During Obama's Speech

Courtesy ABCNews.com (and NBer blonde):
NB Staff
April 16th, 2011 5:30 PM

Maher: Democrats Didn't Use Any Violent Rhetoric Towards Republicans D

Like most liberal media members, Bill Maher thinks violent political rhetoric only comes from Republicans. Proving this once again, HBO's "Real Time" host on Friday disputed former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele's claim that Democrats used such hostile talk against Republicans during the recent budget battle (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
April 16th, 2011 5:16 PM

Weekend Open Thread

For general discussion and debate about politics, the economy, sports, and whatever else tickles your fancy.
NB Staff
April 16th, 2011 4:05 PM