Bozell: Liberal Media Shamelessly Coddling 'Occupy Wall Street'; Publi

Editor's Note: A new USA Today/Gallup poll that finds Americans blame Washington for the country's economic woes much more than Wall Street and financial institutions. NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell is not surprised and issued the following statement. The American people see right through the liberal media’s favorable spin on Occupy Wall Street. While they shamelessly coddle these…
Brent Bozell
October 18th, 2011 12:43 PM

Time's Tharoor: 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement 'Believes in Politics

Four days after romanticizing how the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement "star[ed] down the NYPD," Time magazine's Ishaan Tharoor set out on the magazine's Global Spin blog to explain "Why You Shouldn't Compare Occupy Wall Street to the Tea Party." Tharoor essentially argued that the "occupiers" were a global youth movement, that it was populated by the "have nots," and that, unlike the Tea…
Ken Shepherd
October 18th, 2011 12:31 PM

Scarborough Lashes Out at Cain and Bachmann: They Don't Understand 'Ba

According to MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann"don't even understand basic policy, basic economics, basic foreign policy." The Morning Joe anchor on Tuesday expounded on a Politico op-ed in which he denounced a number of the GOP presidential candidates as "clownish characters." When MSNBC executives deny their network is dominated solely by liberals, they often…
Scott Whitlock
October 18th, 2011 12:21 PM

Piers Morgan Tells Huntsman 'I've Never Seen Any Candidate Who Has Got

Piers Morgan, likely without knowing it, made quite a statement about America's news media Monday. In an interview with Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman on the CNN program bearing his name, the host said, "I've never seen any candidate who has got better press or had more people say he's a great guy, he'd be perfect, who was polling so low" (video follows with transcript and…
Noel Sheppard
October 18th, 2011 11:32 AM

Disdain for 'Right Wing' Position on Global Warming in NYTimes: 'We Lo

The Sunday Review cover story lament by New York Times environmental reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal, “Where Did Global Warming Go?”, collected examples of conservative “climate deniers” (does anyone actually deny that climate exists?) being mocked by environmental experts like Bill Clinton, as well as all of Europe, for not signing on to crippling regulations in the name of halting rising…
Clay Waters
October 18th, 2011 11:11 AM

Ann Curry Fawns Over Democratic Senator 'Trying to Inspire A Lot of Pe

In a softball interview with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on Monday's Today, co-host Ann Curry praised the New York Democrat for "galvanizing women to become economially empowered" and "trying to inspire a lot of people." In a segment free from any challenging questions, Curry helped promote a women's economic summit that Gillibrand organized in New York City: "Why do you believe that women…
Kyle Drennen
October 18th, 2011 10:49 AM

Scarborough: Obama Can't Side With Protesters - 'He Got More Money Fro

While media gush and fawn over the Occupy Wall Street protests wondering how President Obama can take advantage of the sentiments being expressed, they're conveniently ignoring a crucial detail. As MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said on Tuesday's Morning Joe, "He got more money from Wall Street than any candidate in the history of U.S. politics" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
October 18th, 2011 10:20 AM

Open Thread: Occupy Wall Street Arrest Scam Revealed

It comes as no surprise that Occupy Wall Street protesters continue to be arrested due to their disruptive and violent behavior, but according to a new video released by EAGtv, it seems as though being paid to protest is not the only Occupy Wall Street scam. The video captures protestors pre-arranging who in the crowd is going to be arrested so cameras can catch the most dramatic footage of the…
NB Staff
October 18th, 2011 9:59 AM

WaPo Finds Blacks Demanding Racial (Racist?) Unity Behind Obama

The front page of The Washington Post carried a story Tuesday on black liberals demanding all blacks stand with President Obama -- just because he's black. Krissah Thompson's story carried some noteworthy "get in line" quotes from the forget-the-black-unemployment-numbers crowd, but the closest thing to a moderate or conservative in the article is a man suggesting Obama is not God. On the…
Tim Graham
October 18th, 2011 8:45 AM

NPR Ombudsman Slams NewsBusters, National Review: 'Certainly No Libera

The ombudsman at a media outlet is supposed to be an advocate for the audience, a watchdog to keep the media outlet honest. But several new ombudsmen are following a more comfortable rut: kissing the hand that feeds them, and defending the media outlet from "baseless" public criticism. Patrick Pexton is doing that at The Washington Post, and Edward Schumacher-Matos is doing the same at NPR.…
Tim Graham
October 18th, 2011 7:48 AM

AP Hit Piece on 'Dominionism' Tries to Tie in Perry, Even With No 'Dir

This afternoon, Associated Press Religion Writer Rachel Zoll devoted over 1,600 words to "dominionism," spending much of it attempting to cast Rick Perry as their guy, even though, as she admitted, "Perry has never said anything that would directly link him to dominionism." Oh, but he's sorta said some things that might hint at such sympathies, and he's been on stage with people who are…
Tom Blumer
October 17th, 2011 11:52 PM

Ed Schultz Vows He'll Cheerlead for Wall Street Protests Every Night o

Uh, is this intended to help or hurt? Liberal radio talker and MSNBC rodeo clown Ed Schultz, ever prepared to join a left-wing lollapalooza regardless of merit, is promising he'll provide plenty of unpaid ads for Occupy Wall Street. (audio clips after page break)
Jack Coleman
October 17th, 2011 7:44 PM

MSNBC's Bashir Notes NB Criticism, Slams Herman Cain as 'Post-Stupid

Martin Bashir devoted his October 17 "Clear the Air" segment to defending MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor from criticism from NewsBusters and The Blaze that she attacked GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain for being in her view ashamed of being black. Taylor insisted on Friday that Cain would "shed his ethnicity" that "if he could become what I would call the color of water, he would do it…
Ken Shepherd
October 17th, 2011 7:01 PM

CBS: Coffee 'Might Be Heading For Extinction' Due to Climate Change

On Monday's Early Show, CBS took advantage of Americans' love of coffee to hype climate change, bizarrely claiming that "your morning cup might be heading toward extinction." Contributor Taryn Winter Brill turned to a left-leaning organization to reinforce the claim that climate change "could have a devastating effect on future coffee production." Fill-in anchor Jeff Glor teased Winter Brill…
Matthew Balan
October 17th, 2011 6:45 PM