Year Before Truth Emerged, NYT Reports Vindicated Atlanta School Leade

The Times, on top of the big stories. Lead sentence to its August 10, 2010 report vindicating the Atlanta school system: "The Atlanta public school system was substantially vindicated Monday when the results of an independent investigation into cheating on standardized tests were released." Now that the truth is out on "the biggest cheating scandal" ever, education columnist Michael Winerip: "…
Clay Waters
July 19th, 2011 11:06 AM

Open Thread: How Would You Balance the Budget

With growing frustration towards President Obama and certain members of congress for their lackadaisical approach in balancing the budget and reducing spending, many people are beginning to think they could do a better job than our country's leaders. Using data collected by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, American Public Media and the Woodrow Wilson Center put together an…
NB Staff
July 19th, 2011 10:38 AM

Wynn Resorts CEO Rips Obama In Earnings Conference Call With Analysts

Whenever a prominent business leader like Warren Buffett says anything good about the current White House resident, the media are quick to report it. I highly doubt anti-Obama comments made Monday by Las Vegas casino magnate Steve Wynn during an earnings conference call with analysts will get anywhere near that kind of attention (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 19th, 2011 9:50 AM

NYT's James Traub on John Kerry, Latest 'Decent, Serious, Honorable' D

James Traub, a contributing writer for the New York Times Sunday magazine, contributed a very positive 5,000-word profile of Obama foreign-affairs maven (and failed liberal Democratic presidential candidate) Sen. John Kerry for the Sunday magazine, under the online headline “How John Kerry Tries to Put Out Diplomatic Fires.” The table of contents and print edition headlines simply hailed Kerry…
Clay Waters
July 19th, 2011 8:46 AM

Esquire Magazine Genuflects: Obama’s a ‘World-Historical Soul

Barf. “We sometimes forget just how in the tank much of the press is for Obama,” the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto observed last week in catching an effusive, to put it mildly, love letter to Barack Obama published in the August edition of Hearst’s Esquire magazine. “2011 is the summer of Obama,” gushed Stephen Marche, genuflecting “‘I am large, I contain multitudes,’ Walt Whitman…
Brent Baker
July 19th, 2011 7:41 AM

Liberal Celebrities, Radio Hosts Make Baseless Jokes and Accusations T

The gay blog On Top reported that “comedian” Janeane Garofalo is the latest in a string of celebrities and activists suggesting Michele Bachmann’s therapist husband Marcus must be gay, including Cher, Jon Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld, and sex columnist/”It Gets Better” bully Dan Savage. Cher even said she wanted to strangle him. This Marcus-is-gay line has also been a regular trope of liberal talk…
Tim Graham
July 19th, 2011 7:30 AM

Bono Praises George W. Bush for Saving Millions in Africa, Prendergast

 A truly amazing coincidence happened on Monday night as former President George W. Bush was praised for helping millions in Africa by two separate public figures in two unrelated matters - the fight against AIDS in Africa, and South Sudan’s successful fight for independence - on two different television shows. As rocker Bono of U-2 appeared as a guest on CBS’s Late Show with David Letterman…
Brad Wilmouth
July 19th, 2011 4:10 AM

Showdown at Washington's OK Corral

The OK Corral in Tombstone, Ariz., was where Doc Holliday and Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan Earp fought the Clantons and McLaurys on Oct. 26, 1881. At the end of that 30-second showdown, Virgil and Morgan Earp were wounded, and three cowboys were dead. President Barack Obama and House Republicans' showdown over the debt and deficit quickly is turning into Washington's OK Corral. And politicians on…
Chuck Norris
July 18th, 2011 11:22 PM

Referring to Tea Party Chris Matthews Tells Pat Buchanan 'You Want to

MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Pat Buchanan got into quite a heated debate on Monday's "Hardball." At issue was the battle of the debt ceiling with Matthews calling Tea Partiers opposed to raising it "crazy protesters" and telling his guest, "You want to join" them (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 18th, 2011 9:39 PM

Green Vehicles Inc. Is No More; Governments (i.e., Taxpayers) Are Lose

Green Vehicles is no more. The world will somehow have to get by without the lovely vehicle pictured after the jump populating our streets and highways. Given that its owner put an "I've giving it up" blog post last Tuesday, and even though Drudge just caught it a few hours ago, it's pretty safe to assume that the Green Vehicles debacle won't be a national establishment press story. It is,…
Tom Blumer
July 18th, 2011 8:43 PM

Rick Santorum Responds to Dan Savage Wanting to Perform Violent Hate S

As NewsBusters previously reported, sex advice columnist Dan Savage on HBO's "Real Time" Friday said he wanted to perform violent hate sex on Rick Santorum. On Monday, the former Pennsylvania Senator responded on WOR radio's Steve Malzberg show (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 18th, 2011 7:35 PM

Snarky Ali Velshi Batters Grover Norquist Over Debt Ceiling Pledge

On his Saturday show Your Money, CNN host Ali Velshi tried to pin the blame for the debt ceiling standoff on one man – the president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist. "Are you the reason that we don't have a debt ceiling increase right now?" he boldly asked his guest. Velshi was referring to Norquist's pledge that entails elected officials who sign it promising to oppose…
Matt Hadro
July 18th, 2011 6:28 PM

Chris Matthews Uses Dubious Historical Analogy to Tar Conservative Rep

According to Chris Matthews, conservative House Republicans who are holding steadfast on resisting a debt ceiling deal that includes tax hikes are like the apocryphal bovine of doom behind the 1871 fire that destroyed much of Chicago (video follows page break):
Ken Shepherd
July 18th, 2011 5:55 PM

Probing Bachmann, Palin, and Gingrich, NBC's Investigative Unit Ignore

The NBC News Investigative Unit has devoted considerable resources to uncovering "scandals" ranging from Marcus Bachmann's health clinic to Newt Gingrich's credit line at Tiffany to the Sarah Palin document dump, but continues to ignore a botched Justice Department operation that contributed to the death of a U.S. border agent. Examining the trove of reports filed by NBC News national…
Alex Fitzsimmons
July 18th, 2011 4:46 PM