Media Love Anti-bullying Bully Who Wishes Republicans Were 'All F**kin

Dan Savage hates bullying. Make that some bullying. Admirably, Savage hates it when gay teens get bullied. Less admirably, Savage doesn't hesitate to bully, smear and malign those who disagree with him. Savage, a gay sex columnist, has never been shy about expressing his hatred for social conservatives. In his latest attack, appearing on HBO's "Real Time" with Bill Maher July 15, Savage…
Erin R. Brown
July 20th, 2011 9:58 AM

Scarborough, Bashir In MSNBC Bash-up Over Hacking Scandal

Keith Olbermann was infamous for his in-house feuds during his MSNBC tenure.  But Keith's clearing-off has manifestly failed to transform the network into a land of milk and honey.  Witness the nasty little spat on today's Morning Joe between Joe Scarborough and Martin Bashir, host of an MSNBC afternoon show. At hand was the hacking scandal, and in particular Piers Morgan's possible…
Mark Finkelstein
July 20th, 2011 9:38 AM

Obama Should Avoid Vacation with Super-Rich

After all this talk of just soaking millionaire and billionaires with new taxes, is it smart for President Obama to hang with the super-rich on Martha's Vineyard this summer? Liberal Boston Herald columnist Margery Eagan said no on Tuesday: I love my summer vacation. I like President Obama more than most of you. But a new Marist Poll says that for the first time ever a majority of American…
Tim Graham
July 20th, 2011 6:12 AM

CBS Team Amused by Pie Attack on Rupert Murdoch, ‘Getting a Taste of

 Tuesday’s CBS Evening News poked fun at 80-year-old Rupert Murdoch being nearly hit by a pie as the show led with the News Corp founder’s appearance in front of the British parliament to discuss the News of the World phone hacking scandal. During the opening teaser, after playing a clip of Murdoch exclaiming that "This is the most humble day of my life," Schieffer made a quip about "humble pie…
Brad Wilmouth
July 20th, 2011 2:14 AM

Pathetic: CNN Claims Tuesday Stock Market Rise Entirely Due to Obama

In a USA Today email I received 20 minutes after Tuesday's closing bell, I was informed that the exceptionally good day occurred because the stock markets were "buoyed by strong earnings reports by IBM, Coke and others." A visit to the email's linked article also partially attributed the rise to "renewed hopes that U.S. lawmakers would be able to break their stalemate and strike a deficit-…
Tom Blumer
July 20th, 2011 1:39 AM

ABC's Kofman: Rupert Murdoch ‘Infamous for his Ruthlessness and His

 On Tuesday’s World News on ABC, correspondent Jeffrey Kofman asserted that News Corporation founder Rupert Murdoch was a "man infamous for his ruthlessness and his arrogance" as he filed a report on Murdoch’s testimony in front of the British parliament. Kofman also seemed to mock the News Corp founder as he remarked that "he's the boss, but the buck does not stop with him, and he is not…
Brad Wilmouth
July 20th, 2011 12:26 AM

Tucker Carlson: 'Very Few People Have Done More To Divide The Country

Tucker Carlson on Tuesday said, "Very few people have done more to divide the country than Chris Matthews." Such occurred on Fox's "Hannity" show as the Great American Panel discussed the "Hardball" host's deplorable interview with Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) earlier in the day (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 19th, 2011 11:33 PM

Matthews Asks GOP Congressman 'Will You Resign' If Not Raising Debt Ce

As NewsBusters previously reported, Chris Matthews had quite a heated debate with Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) on Tuesday's "Hardball." Amidst a series of ridiculous questions asked of the Congressman, possibly the most absurd was, "If we have a crisis in August [as a result of not raising the debt ceiling], will you resign?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 19th, 2011 9:13 PM

At Philly Church Presser, AP Shows Its Distaste for the Catholic Churc

If anyone still has any doubt about the utter distaste that many in the media have for the Catholic Church, one does not need to look any further than the "question and answer" session during the press conference in Philadelphia today (Tue. 9/19/11) welcoming the region's new Archbishop Charles Chaput.
Dave Pierre
July 19th, 2011 8:42 PM

Sharpton: Obama Sounds More Like Reagan Than Tea Partiers

If MSNBC's goal is to give air time to the least-attached to reality of the left, then perhaps the network's doing the right thing by reportedly dallying with replacing Cenk Uygur with Al Sharpton. For in the 6 o'clock time slot this evening the Reverend Al actually asserted that Barack Obama sounds more like Ronald Reagan than Tea Party freshmen members of Congress.  I kid you not. Video…
Mark Finkelstein
July 19th, 2011 8:23 PM

NPR: Conservatives vs 'Women's Health Groups' on Birth Control Mandate

On Tuesday's Morning Edition, NPR's Julie Rovner spun the debate over a proposed mandate for private insurance companies to cover birth control without a copay as being between "women's health groups," which were not given an ideological label, and organizations such as the Family Research Council, which she clearly identified as "conservative." A representative from her example of a "women's…
Matthew Balan
July 19th, 2011 7:19 PM

CNN Again Uses David Brooks to Pressure GOP to Compromise on Debt Ceil

Referencing the sweet reason of the New York Times's "conservative" David Brooks, CNN's Brooke Baldwin urged Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to listen to the voice of compromise in the debt ceiling debate. Baldwin pleaded with Hatch that "there are folks out there – including conservatives – saying President Obama has already offered Republican [sic] the deal of their dreams," although Hatch later…
Matt Hadro
July 19th, 2011 6:51 PM

Republican Joe Walsh Taunts 'Bully' Chris Matthews: Obama 'Sends a Tin

Republican Congressman Joe Walsh didn't put up with Chris Matthews' "bullying" on Tuesday, mocking the liberal MSNBC anchor for his effusive praise of Barack Obama. Over the host's frequent interruptions, the Illinois Representative taunted, "Hey, Chris, your President, who sends a tingle up your leg-" Walsh appeared to discuss the debt ceiling debate and what Republicans are willing to cut…
Scott Whitlock
July 19th, 2011 6:17 PM

Media Cast Obama as Budget Cutter Amid Debt Ceiling Debate

Reporters have repeatedly portrayed Barack Obama as a deficit hawk committed to "slashing" spending, as MRC Research Director Rich Noyes documented in April ahead of the president's much-anticipated budget speech. While the media touted Obama's budget blueprint, which contained puny cuts, as "deeply painful," CBO Director Doug Elmendorf told Congress the president's framework lacked…
Alex Fitzsimmons
July 19th, 2011 5:51 PM