CNN's Romans Scolds Dissenting Republicans: 'I'll Tell You Why They're

CNN's American Morning co-hosts tried to lecture those opposed to voting to raise the debt ceiling on the error of their ways on Friday morning. When a guest GOP congressman tried to explain why he was voting no, and complained of being "vilified" for his stance, Romans showed him no mercy. The American Morning co-host accused the dissenting Republicans who voted "no" to Boehner's plan…
Matt Hadro
July 29th, 2011 8:15 PM

Time Magazine's Scherer Insists: Obama Has a Plan

Appearing on MSNBC this afternoon, Time Magazine's Michael Scherer set out to debunk a non-existent Republican red herring on the debt ceiling debate on Friday's News Nation. "The President has been negotiating behind the scenes, has put forward a number of proposals and he's gone public with the outlines of a proposal he is willing to accept," said Scherer.
Eric Ames
July 29th, 2011 7:45 PM

Open Thread: House Passes Debt Ceiling Increase Bill

Now the ball is in the Senate Democrats' court. Unfortunately for them, they don't even have a written bill yet. Will the media put the onus back on Democrats who are split between tax hikers and non-tax hikers? List of GOP "no" votes follows below the break...
NB Staff
July 29th, 2011 7:05 PM

Charles Krauthammer Scolds Margaret Carlson for Saying Tea Party 'Stra

Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson on Friday accused the Tea Party of wanting "to burn the place down" and having figuratively "strapped explosives to the Capitol" during debt ceiling negotiations. Sitting beside her on PBS's "Inside Washington" was Charles Krauthammer who smartly replied, "I thought post-Tucson we weren’t supposed to accuse our political opponents of being terrorists" (video…
Noel Sheppard
July 29th, 2011 6:33 PM

Praying for the Right (or Left) Result

Texas Republican governor and potential presidential candidate Rick Perry will headline a "Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis" on Aug. 6 at Reliant Stadium in Houston. The ACLU of Texas and liberals are predictably upset.
Cal Thomas
July 29th, 2011 6:32 PM

Maddow Guest Host, NBC Reporter Oh So Amused by Religious Faith of Rep

Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry, guest hosting on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show last night, could hardly contain her mirth at the specter of an elected official actually praying for guidance while Congress struggles over the debt ceiling. Here's Harris-Perry describing tea party Republicans facing the wrath of House Speaker John Boehner for not supporting his debt plan (video after page…
Jack Coleman
July 29th, 2011 6:25 PM

Fareed Zakaria Flat Out Lies About Deficits, Debt Ceiling and U.S. Cre

In a "Fareed Zakaria GPS" segment to be aired on CNN Sunday and posted at the network's website Thursday, the host flat out lies about the current debt ceiling debate as well as when and why credit rating agencies began expressing concern about our nation's finances. "Please understand that none of these things are happening because the United States is running deficits," Zakaria falsely…
Noel Sheppard
July 29th, 2011 5:37 PM

NY Times Staffer Vlasic Hails 'Solidarity' of Obama and Automakers on

"Four years ago, the American auto industry was so opposed to higher fuel economy standards that executives of Detroit camped out in Washington in an unsuccessful bid to undercut them," Bill Vlasic opened his July 28 front page New York Times article. But now "when President Obama announced even stricter standards — in fact, the largest increase in mileage requirements since the government…
Ken Shepherd
July 29th, 2011 5:33 PM

John King Spins for Obama, Praises His Political Smarts In Debt Ceilin

It is one matter if a president stakes out a smart position within a heated political debate, but it is another matter when members of the press believe so and shower him with positive coverage. CNN's John King complimented President Obama on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360 for having "positioned himself smartly here in the middle" on the debt ceiling debate. King painted the president as a…
Matt Hadro
July 29th, 2011 4:55 PM

Lefty Paul Krugman Urges More Bias, Wants Journalists to Denounce G.O

Liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on Friday denounced the "centrist cop-out" of balance. Krugman specifically singled out the Associated Press for not exclusively blaming the ongoing debt ceiling impasse on the Republican Party. Complaining about too much fairness, the author derided his journalistic colleagues, "But making nebulous calls for centrism, like writing news reports…
Scott Whitlock
July 29th, 2011 4:11 PM

WaPo's The Fix: Utah Democrat Keeps 'Seat by Voting Very Conservativel

Yesterday on "The Fix", a politics blog of the Washington Post, Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake wrote "Five Members to watch in the House debt ceiling vote."  One of the five is Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT).  He's described as a potential "yes" vote for Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) debt ceiling bill: Matheson, a Democrat, has managed to keep his Republican-leaning Utah seat by voting very…
Mike Bates
July 29th, 2011 3:49 PM

MSNBC 'Morning Joe' Panelists (Yet Again) Call Tea Partiers 'Economic

A trend is emerging on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," whereby guests make inflammatory statements likening conservatives to terrorists, and none of the co-hosts insist on a more elevated level of dialogue. Following in the footsteps of Newsweek's Tina Brown and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), two MSNBC analysts called conservatives in Congress "economic terrorists" and "crazy" on Friday, yet none of the…
Alex Fitzsimmons
July 29th, 2011 3:24 PM

Obama's Exclusive George Soros Waivers

"Millionaires and billionaires," President Obama says derisively, must make more "sacrifices" and live by the same rules the rest of America lives by. But there are seven little words that will never appear on the White House teleprompter: "And that means you, too, George Soros." For all his (and his wife's) bashing of greedy Wall Street hedge-fund managers, Obama has shown nothing but love…
Michelle Malkin
July 29th, 2011 2:58 PM

Adolf and Anders

Think of Anders Behring Breivik, the man who bombed a government building in Norway before proceeding to coldbloodedly massacre scores of defenseless young people on a secluded island several miles away, as an Adolf Hitler of one. The first Adolf Hitler was a Hitler to millions. He captured an entire nation and terrified the world for years. One imagines that the two, if ever they could have…
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
July 29th, 2011 2:52 PM