No Media Reckoning for Harkin's False Deficit History

Iowa Senator Tom Harkin was at his worst Wednesday morning in a press conference. Sure, there was the usual immature Democratic Party name-calling -- calling Republicans "dead-beat debtors" and characterizing Republicans who oppose raising the debt ceiling as a "cult fringe," even though polls seem to be showing that 60% of Americans are in that "fringe." But beyond that, Harkin uttered a…
Tom Blumer
July 21st, 2011 11:29 PM

MSNBC Regular Dyson: Reaganism Imposed 'In Fascist Fashion

logorrhea: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness. -- Merriam Webster When watching lefty professor and MSNBC regular Michael Eric Dyson, the notion often occurs to me that the man suffers from the condition described above.  Just yesterday, as James Taranto noted in his Best of the Web column at WSJ online, Dyson digressed, during an MSNBC appearance, into a riff to the…
Mark Finkelstein
July 21st, 2011 9:26 PM

CNN Ignores Poll Results Showing Strong Support for 'Cut, Cap, and Bal

CNN touted results from its newly-released poll Thursday showing Americans favor a balance of spending cuts and tax increases in the debt ceiling debate, as well as raising the debt ceiling. What the network completely failed to report -- although NewsBusters reported it -- was that Americans also favored two conservative positions – passage of a balanced budget amendment, along with spending…
Matt Hadro
July 21st, 2011 7:51 PM

PieGate: MSNBCer Floats Conspiracy Theory Murdoch Staged Pie Throwing

The media's attention on Rupert Murdoch and the British hacking scandal hit a new low Thursday. Filling in for MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Michael Smerconish finished "Hardball" with a segment floating the conspiracy theory that Rupert Murdoch staged Tuesday's Parliamentary pie throwing incident to distract everyone's attention from his testimony (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
July 21st, 2011 7:10 PM

Bachmann and the Pope

It seems Rep. Michele Bachmann is under increased scrutiny for her religious views, even as she climbs ever higher in the presidential polls. With tea party support, she is now No. 2 in the Republican polls even though she has been in the race for only a short time. The numero uno, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is himself the victim of gentler bigotry for his religious views. He is a…
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
July 21st, 2011 5:54 PM

CNN Belief Blog Contributor Damns GOP Taking Political Pledges As 'Unb

The CNN Belief Blog's latest hit-job on Republicans involved Boston University religion scholar Stephen Prothero pronouncing that Republican politicians taking conservative pledges is "unbiblical" and "unchristian." Republicans have made news recently for taking pledges that are anti-tax, pro-life, and opposing same-sex marriage. According to Prothero, the Bible argues that the "recent orgy…
Matt Hadro
July 21st, 2011 5:40 PM

CNN Poll Finds Media on Wrong Side of 'Cut, Cap and Balance

In the past week, you couldn't swing a debt cat without hitting a press report about how irresponsible the "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill passed by House Republicans is. A new CNN/ORC poll released a few hours ago finds the media very much on the wrong side of public opinion concerning this issue:
Noel Sheppard
July 21st, 2011 5:24 PM

MSNBC Disses Boy Scout, 66% of Americans Who Want Federal Govt. to Liv

Halfway through the July 21 edition of "NewsNation," MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall brought on Time magazine assistant managing editor Rana Foroohar to diss a Boy Scout cited by John Thune (R-S.D.) on the Senate floor. After Hall aired a clip of Thune reading the Boy Scout's letter admonishing senators to spend only what the government can afford, she and Foroohar set about to dismiss his concern…
Ken Shepherd
July 21st, 2011 5:12 PM

CBS Slants Towards Supporters of Online Sales Taxes

CBS's John Blackstone apparently couldn't find many opponents of imposing sales taxes on online retailers for his report on Thursday's Early Show, as all but one of his sound bites came from proponents. Blackstone also warned that "states that are already suffering under huge budget deficits will lose more than $11 billion in uncollected sales taxes next year." The correspondent first…
Matthew Balan
July 21st, 2011 5:09 PM

Video Proves Chris Matthews Totally Distorted Ronald Reagan's Position

On Wednesday's Hardball, Chris Matthews took a clip from a 24 year-old Ronald Reagan press conference and disingenuously passed it off as the Republican's take on "raising taxes to deal with the ballooning deficit." Matthew's version was out of context and video from October 22, 1987 proves it. [See below for video. MP3 audio here.] After playing a snippet of Reagan that had nothing to do…
Scott Whitlock
July 21st, 2011 4:47 PM

NBC: Maybe 'Near Catastrophic Financial Reaction' Will Bring House GOP

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd lamented no deal being reached on the debt ceiling and solely blamed House Republicans: "Nobody has a plan that can get through the Republican-controlled House of Representatives....that's the issue. House Republicans don't like any of these ideas that are coming out of the Senate." Co-host Matt Lauer wondered if a…
Kyle Drennen
July 21st, 2011 3:55 PM

Mika Brzezinski: Return Taxes to 'Normal Levels

MSNBC once again repeated the liberal line that returning to the higher pre-Bush tax rates is somehow not raising taxes. "If you just go back to normal tax standards, it's not a break of the [no tax hike] pledge that many of them signed" said Mika Brzezinski on Thursday's Morning Joe.
Eric Ames
July 21st, 2011 3:15 PM

Increased Scrutiny for BBC as It Announces Policy to Silence Global Wa

British media mogul Rupert Murdoch has spent the past few weeks facing ethics inquiries as a result of his News of the World phone hacking scandal. Now British-government-owned media giant BBC is being questioned for its journalistic ethics in muzzling global warming skeptics in its taxpayer-funded broadcasts. Because BBC believes skeptics' views "differ from mainline scientific opinion," the…
Aubrey Vaughan
July 21st, 2011 2:31 PM

Glass Houses: Soros-Funded Alternet Accuses GOP of 'Treason

Usually, it's easy to dismiss the moonbat ravings of the far left. But when liberals, always ready to indignantly accuse conservatives of "questioning my patriotism," start suggesting their political opponents are "committing treason," the hypocrisy merits notice. Doubly so when the allegation of treason is made on a website that takes money from George Soros. In a July 20 column on Alternet…
Matt Philbin
July 21st, 2011 1:46 PM