NBC Uniquely Notes Some Dems Voted to Sanction Holder

Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, the NBC Nightly News, not only ran a full report on the House of Representatives vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, but the network also noted that some Democrats joined Republicans on the vote. By contrast, ABC's World News and the CBS Evening News only mentioned the dozens of Democrats who walked out of…
Brad Wilmouth
June 29th, 2012 8:59 AM

Former 'SNL' Star Slams Catholic Bishops as 'Real Threat to Freedom' I

Billy Hallowell at The Blaze reports that the Freedom From Religion Foundation – the Wisconsin-based atheists who’ve run newspaper ads on how “It’s Time to Quit the Catholic Church” – have drafted former Saturday Night Live cast member Julia Sweeney for a TV ad slamming America’s Catholic bishops as a threat to religious liberty.  It comes smack dab in the middle of the bishops’ “Fortnight…
Tim Graham
June 29th, 2012 6:48 AM

TV Networks Gush Over Chief Justice Roberts: 'The Man of the Hour' Who

Chief Justice John Roberts may have angered conservatives with his decisive vote in favor of ObamaCare today, but he was, in CBS anchor Scott Pelley’s words, the “man of the hour” on all three network evening newscasts Thursday night. ABC’s Terry Moran complimented Roberts’ lurch to the left, saying it “did give heart to many Court watchers,” who were worried the Court “was at risk of becoming…
Rich Noyes
June 28th, 2012 9:09 PM

Mark Levin Slams George Will for Being 'Absurd

Mark Levin came out on his radio show with rhetorical guns blazing against the John Roberts decision upholding ObamaCare. He called it "profoundly stupid" and said if he was Justice Roberts, he would be embarrassed to sign his name to it. Levin also took to his Facebook page to slam George Will for "one of his most absurd columns ever" trying to find positive spin in the ruling:
Tim Graham
June 28th, 2012 8:32 PM

Maddow Lapses Into Amnesia About Proposed Brown-Warren Debate

For someone seemingly so bright, Rachel Maddow sure has a short memory. There she was on June 19, talking about a proposed debate between GOP Sen. Scott Brown and Democrat challenger Elizabeth Warren and mocking Brown with her trademark brand of arm-waving, arrested adolescent sarcasm (video after page break) --
Jack Coleman
June 28th, 2012 7:00 PM

CBS's O'Donnell Touts Obama's Law Professor Past Before Court's ObamaC

On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Norah O'Donnell played up President Obama's experience as a lecturer in constitutional law just hours before the Supreme Court upheld his health care law. O'Donnell trumpeted how the President apparently "paid so close attention to this - not only reading the opinions, but going back and actually listening to them on tape." The correspondent also forwarded the…
Matthew Balan
June 28th, 2012 6:49 PM

Spin Doctor? CNN's Medical Correspondent -- and Former Candidate for O

Once a candidate to be President Obama's surgeon general – and thus the mouthpiece for ObamaCare – Dr. Sanjay Gupta touted the benefits of ObamaCare throughout the day on Thursday, after the Supreme Court upheld the law. CNN's own medical correspondent was essentially defending the law by explaining its benefits to different guests. Two health care activists were among the guests who came to…
Matt Hadro
June 28th, 2012 6:26 PM

Coulter Column: The Biggest Scandal In U.S. History

Forget executive privilege, contempt of Congress, "fast and furious," how many documents the government has produced and who said what to whom on which date. The Obama administration has almost certainly engaged in the most shockingly vile corruption scandal in the history of the country, not counting the results of Season Eight on "American Idol." Administration officials intentionally put…
Ann Coulter
June 28th, 2012 6:16 PM

Matthews Lauds 'Bold' Hero' John Roberts for Beating Back 'Right-Wing

After comparing John Roberts to a Civil War-era Supreme Court judge who upheld the Dred Scott slave act, Wednesday, Chris Matthews reversed himself, Thursday, and praised the "bold," "defiant" "hero" who upheld ObamaCare. Lapsing into self-parody, the Hardball anchor mocked the opponents of the health care law: "All the drum beating, all the horrors floated up from the right-wing fever…
Scott Whitlock
June 28th, 2012 6:06 PM

Clinton-appointed Federal Judge Deals Blow to Obama/Holder DOJ

All the attention focused on today's ObamaCare ruling was bound to have some effect in drowning out this news development, but on its own merits, it's certainly one the media would rather ignore anyway. Yesterday, a federal judge -- a Clinton appointee no less -- refused to issue an injunction that would halt Florida's effort to clean up its voter rolls of noncitizens. The Obama/Holder…
Ken Shepherd
June 28th, 2012 5:56 PM

Media Gush Over Chief Justice 'On the Side of History' With 'Clever La

During NBC's noon et hour special coverage of the ObamaCare Supreme Court ruling, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams declared that Chief Justice John Roberts sided with liberals on the Court in upholding the unpopular law in order "to be on the side of history." Legal analyst Savannah Guthrie praised Roberts for having the wisdom of King Solomon: "I guess you'd call it a Solomonic decision." […
Kyle Drennen
June 28th, 2012 4:42 PM

Nancy Pelosi Botches Brian Terry's Name While Addressing Congress on H

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), while speaking on the House floor opposing the contempt charges of Attorney General Eric Holder, actually botched the name of slain border patrol agent Brian Terry. As she expressed condolences to his family, Pelosi called him "Brian Tay, Tay, Terry" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 28th, 2012 4:31 PM

CNN Asks GOP Senator If He's 'Sore Loser' for Continuing to Fight Obam

It didn't take long after ObamaCare was upheld by the Supreme Court for CNN to browbeat Republicans about accepting defeat and getting behind the law. Anchor Brooke Baldwin asked Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) on Thursday afternoon why he was still fighting a law opposed by a majority of Americans. "You lost in 2010 when this law was passed, you lost again today. Yet you are still pushing for the…
Matt Hadro
June 28th, 2012 3:54 PM

NYT Partner Ben Smith: Conservatives Complaining Over Obama-Care on Tw

The New York Times's latest TimesCast was wholly devoted to the shocking decision on Obama-Care, in which Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed to the bench by a Republican president, joined the four liberals on the court to uphold Obama's legislation. In a possible sign of bias to come, the TimesCast will feature commentary from Ben Smith of Buzzfeed.com during the election season. Host…
Clay Waters
June 28th, 2012 3:33 PM