Dan Froomkin
Intercept Editor: GOP Is Party of 'Hate, Torture, and Bigotry'
March 10th, 2016 11:47 PM
Liberals who think conservative rhetoric is offensive should take a look in the mirror.
On Thursday, liberal Intercept editor Dan Froomkin let loose a vile twitter rant, calling the entire GOP a party of ‘hate, torture and bigotry” during the Republican debate. He even tweeted a challenge at CNN moderator Jake Tapper to disrupt the debate, but then deleted it.

CNN Keeps Pounding GOP: 'Holding the American People Hostage,' Wanting
October 7th, 2013 4:20 PM
Over the weekend, CNN anchors and guests blamed Republicans for the shutdown and smacked them for "holding the American people hostage" while opposing ObamaCare. That extended CNN's streak of pounding Tea Party Republicans for igniting the shutdown.
Below are some of the worst quotes from CNN anchors or guests on Republicans, the shutdown, and ObamaCare:
NYT's Calmes Wins Dubious 'Unbiased' Title From Analyst Who Thinks Med
December 12th, 2012 4:24 PM
New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan posted Monday on a report by two "centrists" ludicrously lambasting the media for letting Mitt Romney get away with lie after lie during the campaign: "Did the Mainstream Press Really Bungle the Campaign’s ‘Single Biggest Story’?"
In one of the most fascinating media-related pieces I’ve read in a while, Dan Froomkin interviews Thomas Mann and…
Bozell Column: Not Enough Liberal Bias In Loony Land
December 11th, 2012 11:23 PM
How could a liberal actually be upset with the liberal media for their coverage of the 2012 presidential election? Well, Daniel Froomkin of The Huffington Post (formerly of The Washington Post) is furious. His complaint carried the headline “How the Mainstream Press Bungled the Single Biggest Story of the 2012 Campaign.”
What would that story be? “Namely, the radical right-wing, off-the-rails…
'My Job Is To Watch The White House Like A Hawk
January 1st, 2009 2:47 PM
Liberal journalism professor Jay Rosen was puzzled when Washington Post columnist Dan Froomkin wondered aloud whether he and other journalists should be skeptical of Barack Obama. Conservative blogger Jon Henke was downright flabbergasted: I'm not sure I understand why this is even a question. Indeed, it would seem to me that it would be grounds for immediate dismissal. "Immediate dismissal"…