CBS’s Mitchell: How Does Obama ‘Not Denounce Jeremiah Wright

March 18th, 2008 2:01 PM
Following Monday’s sanitized coverage of the controversial comments of Barack Obama’s pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show" continued to gloss over the most inflammatory of Wright’s comments, spending over 6 minutes on Obama’s upcoming speech on the issue while devoting only 16 seconds of video to Wright’s more mild statements. Following this video, co-host Russ Mitchell…

CBS Pounces on 'Potential Political Embarrassment for Rudy Giuliani

November 28th, 2007 8:46 PM
Less than three weeks after the CBS Evening News used the indictments of Bernard Kerik to relay how “people” say he's “a poster child as to why Giuliani shouldn't be President,” Katie Couric pounced on a revelation not considered newsworthy by ABC and NBC as she teased Wednesday's newscast, “A potential political embarrassment for Rudy Giuliani: Questions about how he billed New York City…

CBS on Kerik: 'Poster Child as to Why Giuliani Shouldn't Be President

November 9th, 2007 9:52 PM
The CBS Evening News, which has aired only one full story on the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton's fugitive donor Norman Hsu, on Friday night ran its second full story on the impact on Rudy Giuliani of Bernard Kerik's indictments as Byron Pitts told Kerik that “people” say you're “a poster child as to why Giuliani shouldn't be President.” Back on August 31, in the newscast's only full story…

‘Nightly News’ Leads With ‘Jena 6,’ Ignores Beaten White Kid

September 21st, 2007 12:36 PM
When members of the Duke University lacrosse team were falsely accused of raping a black stripper last year, media focused great attention on the woman in the middle of the controversy, and the supposed crime. Yet, as pointed out Thursday by NewsBuster Matthew Balan, as the press report activities in Jena, Louisiana, the name of the white boy who was beaten by the "Jena 6," Justin Barker, is…

CBS's Pitts Slants Philadelphia Murder Story to the Left

July 25th, 2007 12:08 AM