Hollywood’s Difficulties Grow – Ticket Sales Down 7.9 Percent in 2005

March 9th, 2006 6:13 PM

In further evidence of just how out of touch Hollywood is, the AFP is reporting (hat tip to Drudge) that total worldwide movie ticket sales declined by 7.9 percent in 2005. In North America, the decline was 6 percent.

Potentially more telling from this survey done by the Motion Picture Association of America was what kinds of films moviegoers are interested in: “Most movie-goers in 2005 went out to catch family films, with movies rated PG-13, meaning that children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult, accounting for 85 percent of the most watched films in 2005.”

Wow. 85 percent. By comparison, four of the five films nominated for best motion picture this year were rated R. No wonder nobody saw them.

Conversely, of the top ten highest grossing films this year, only one ("Wedding Crashers") was rated R. Hmmm.

Yet, maybe most curious is that this trend towards family movies has been going on for more than a decade. As such, one has to wonder why Hollywood not only continues to glorify R-rated films at its annual awards ceremonies, but also spends so much money on them.

After all, a good company should try to sell what the consumer wants, shouldn’t it? Or am I missing something?