‘We Hold These Truths’: Conservative Leaders Answer the Mob

July 7th, 2020 10:47 AM

Conservative leaders from all over the country are fighting back and answering the violence and chaos of the angry, lawless mob marching in America’s streets. In a new video released by the Media Research Center on Tuesday, Brent Bozell, Mark Levin, Charlie Daniels, Allen West and many more stand up to those who would destroy our country’s heritage. 

On the Founding Fathers, Bozell declared, “The men that forged this revolution were unquestionably the greatest statesmen this world has ever known.” Levin called out, “How dare you disrespect our heroes and trample on our heritage!” Senator Mike Lee defended our  nation’s heroes: “Abraham Lincoln, the great liberator, saw the country through a terrible Civil War.” 



Speaking to the protesters, Bozell concluded, “You will not prevail. America will prevail. Today, tomorrow, and by the grace of God, forever.” 

Special thanks to these conservative leaders for participating: 

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)  

Mark Levin (Nationally syndicated radio host/author) 

Charlie Daniels (Entertainer/singer) 

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) 

Brent Bozell (President, Media Research Center) 

Dan Bongino (Radio/TV host) 

Allen West (Senior Fellow, Media Research Center) 

Tom Fitton (President, Judicial Watch)  

Dave Bozell (President, For America) 

Adam Brandon (President, FreedomWorks)

Deneen Borelli (Political commentator)  

Former Senator Jim DeMint (Conservative Partner Institute) 

Rich Lowry (National Review editor) 

Dana Loesch (National syndicated radio host, author) 

Jenny Beth Martin (Co-founder, Tea Party Patriots) 

Tony Perkins (President, Family Research Council)