Open Thread: Are You Paying to Elect Democrats?

October 27th, 2010 9:54 AM

So argues Michael Barone:

Even more important is the political reality that, as New York union leader Victor Gotbaum said in 1975, "We have the ability, in a sense, to elect our own boss."

The anomalies don't end there. Public employees' union dues and contributions to union PACs come from directly from taxpayers. So if you live in a state or city with strong public employee unions, you are paying a tax that goes to elect Democratic candidates (plus, perhaps, a few malleable Republicans).

The problem is that, as Roosevelt understood, public employee unions' interests are directly the opposite of those of taxpayers. Public employee unions want government to be more expensive and government employees to be less accountable.

Is that a fair characterization of the arrangement? Is ti a valid point to assert that taxpayers are funding Democratic campaigns?