Specter of Hillary at the Helm Brings Out the Bloodlust in Peacenik Michael Moore

October 31st, 2016 12:05 PM

Turns out there's at least one benefit to Hillary Clinton's run for president -- it provides a glimpse of a previously unseen aspect to filmmaker Michael Moore's personality.

Moore revealed this on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher over the weekend while talking with the host and actress/comedian Chelsea Handler about Clinton's "badass" awesomeness.

The revelation came during a show where ex-Obama green energy czar Van Jones labeled it "treason" that the GOP won't roll over for Democrats while Maher and Handler actually suggested it's a great idea (amid a raging opioid epidemic) that people should take illicit drugs. (Not that either celeb need worry about covering the steep cost of rehab if anything went awry). Then came this from Moore -

HANDLER: The idea that this man (Trump) congratulates himself every time there's a loss for a win and credits himself with winning debates that he doesn't win, or that was triumphant, or this didn't happen when there's (sic) recordings of the very thing that he's denying he said on television. It's like he's living in another planet! And the fact that he dances around these subjects, accuses Hillary of the very thing she does to him -- you know that Ginger Rogers quote about, uh ...

MAHER: Dancing backwards in high heels ...

HANDLER: ... she goes, yeah, I'm doing everything he was doing -- who was the guy?

MAHER: ... dancing backwards in heels ...

HANDLER: No, the guy she was dancing with, that's your era (points at Maher).

MAHER: My era ...?

MOORE: Fred Astaire. He was in the Doors. (Alluding to earlier joke on the show). ...

HANDLER: I'm doing everything he's doing but I'm dancing backward in heels. Like, Hillary Clinton is a f***ing badass! (cheers and applause from the audience).

MAHER: Right. That's right!

HANDLER: She gets up every day and is still fighting.

MOORE: And, the fact that the right wing claims that she's killed 46 people, on the Internet if you type in her name and murderer, 46 names come up. When I saw that I thought, that is really badass. That's who I want as my commander in chief, somebody who's going to go in there! ISIS is going to s**t!

Yes, Michael Moore said this, though he may have quoted Curtis LeMay and neglected to give the man credit.

What Moore wants in a president was what we had a decade ago -- his name was George W. Bush, a commander in chief quite willing "to go in there" if necessary and at some point shortly after Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein and his evil offspring presumably lost control of their bowels when they no longer controlled a country they had pockmarked with mass graves.

Moore, you may recall, has vociferously condemned Bush over the years for this, most famously in a shabby documentary titled "Fahrenheit 9/11" for which he won the top award at the Cannes Film Festival in 2004 from like-minded lefties for having done so much to convince the world that it was Bush who was the war criminal, not Saddam or Osama bin Laden.

We see here that Moore's highly-burnished public persona as a peacenik was a ruse -- and all it took to blow his cover was the prospect of Hillary Clinton as commander in chief. Not only is Moore gung ho that Clinton might go after ISIS with guns ablaze, he gleefully celebrates the suspicion that Clinton has snuffed out political opponents. Give the man credit for bellicose consistency, after so many years of phony pacifism.