
Actor Claims Biden ‘Impartial’ During Clarence Thomas Hearings

April 5th, 2016 12:34 PM
On Tuesday, NBC’s Today promoted the new HBO movie Confirmation, about the 1991 Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings and the smear campaign waged against him based on false sexual harassment claims from Anita Hill. Actor Greg Kinnear insisted that Senator Joe Biden was nothing but fair throughout the hearings: “...if you watch just the hearings, you certainly get a sense of the – of his trying…

Nets Slam ‘Vulgar’ and ‘Childish’ GOP Debate Reaching ‘New Lows’

March 4th, 2016 1:01 PM
On Friday, the NBC, CBS, and ABC morning shows all blasted Thursday’s Republican presidential debate as “vulgar” “silly” and “childish.” The same networks that have routinely provided ample airtime to Donald Trump’s personal attacks on his rivals, lectured the GOP contenders on civility.

NBC: Jenner's GOP Ties More Controversial Than Transgender Activism

March 2nd, 2016 10:42 AM
In an interview with “Caitlyn” (formerly Bruce) Jenner for Wednesday’s NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales protrayed the reality TV star being a “staunch Republican” as controversial, but not Jenner’s transgender activism.  

Body Language Expert's Hillary Analysis Bothers Today Hosts

February 20th, 2016 1:13 PM
The Today Show had body language expert Janine Driver on as a guest to analyze the body language of presidentical candidates Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Marco Rubio. It was Driver's analyses of the body language of Hillary and Trump that caused some really fascinating reactions from host Natalie Morales who was clearly uncomfortable with the analyses. So let us now enter…

Nets Continue Spotlighting Indictment of Pro-Life Video Producers

January 26th, 2016 6:36 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts on Tuesday all reported on a Texas grand jury's indictment of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the pro-life Center for Medical Progress on the felony charge of tampering with a government record. At the same time, the panel cleared Planned Parenthood of any wrongdoing related to the organization's hidden camera footage, which uncovered the possible sale…

NBC’s Today Skips PP Videos, Clinton Scandals in Year in Revew

December 31st, 2015 12:01 PM
With New Year’s Eve upon us, NBC’s Today dedicated a segment in its 9:00 a.m. hour on Thursday to looking back at the year in news, politics, and entertainment. Not surprisingly, the liberal network made no mention of the Planned Parenthood baby parts video scandal, Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, the Clinton Foundation scandal, and Benghazi to name just a few.

Daly: Was Important to Get Married ‘to Have the Sacrament of Marriage’

December 30th, 2015 7:37 PM
Discussing his marriage to longtime girlfriend Siri Pinter while guest-hosting Wednesday’s Today, Carson Daly offered a rather surprising reason for finally getting married to Pinter after having been together for the past decade. Speaking of how tying the knot over Christmas has already changed his life, he explained he feels that being married has affected him “in a more profound way” due to “…

Nets Hype 'Outraged’ Obama ‘Slamming’ GOP Opposition to Refugees

November 18th, 2015 11:22 AM
All three network morning shows on Wednesday hyped Barack Obama’s “outrage” at Republican governors and presidential candidates, “slamming” them for opposition to Syrian refugees coming to America. On Good Morning America, Jon Karl parroted, “Overnight in Manila, President Obama expressed outrage at Republican calls to keep Syrian refugees out of the United States.” 

ABC, NBC Hype SNL Mocking ‘America’s Love Affair With Guns’

October 12th, 2015 12:22 PM
ABC, NBC and CNN on Sunday and Monday couldn’t get enough of Saturday Night Live mocking “America’s love affair with guns.” NBC’s Today replayed the entire sketch on Sunday and then hyped it again on Monday. On Monday’s Good Morning America, co-host Robin Roberts enthused that comedian/gun control activist Amy Schumer was “all over social media this weekend!” 

Networks Slam 'Controversial,’ ‘Beyond Insensitive’ Ben Carson

October 7th, 2015 11:51 AM
The outraged journalists at NBC, ABC and CBS on Wednesday slammed the “controversial,” “beyond insensitive” Ben Carson for his comments about last week’s mass shooting in Oregon. Their anger provides a strong contrast to controversial statements by Hillary Clinton in recent days. Carson urged people in mass shooting to attack the gunman, prompting Today co-host Natalie Morales to rage, “It's…

NBC on GOP Debate: ‘Real Housewives,’ Not Presidential, ‘High School'

September 17th, 2015 11:27 AM
At the top of the 9 a.m. ET hour on NBC’s Today, co-host Tamron Hall slammed the Republican presidential debate as being like a bad reality show: “...a friend of mine said it was like The Real Housewives with Andy Cohen, because they were just pitted against each other.”  

CBS, NBC Tout Obama’s Climate Change Speech In Alaska

September 1st, 2015 11:14 AM
On Tuesday, CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today acted as unofficial White House spokesmen and eagerly promoted President Obama’s visit to Alaska in which he pushed his climate change agenda. ABC’s Good Morning America, however, did not cover President Obama’s climate change speech. CBS’s Gayle King touted how Obama “gets a firsthand look at the effects of climate change on his three-day visit to…

CBS, NBC Minimize Coverage of New Mexico Church Bombings

August 3rd, 2015 3:48 PM
Monday's CBS This Morning and NBC's Today both devoted a minimal amount of coverage to the Sunday bombings of two churches in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The two Big Three morning newscasts devoted 58 seconds to news briefs on the explosions at a Baptist church and a Catholic parish. By contrast, the programs set aide 12 minutes and 22 seconds of air time to segments related to the outcry over the…

CENSORED: ABC, CBS Ignore Horrific Planned Parenthood Video

July 15th, 2015 11:48 AM
A taxpayer-funded organization reportedly selling baby hearts and livers should be a huge story. Not so, say the broadcast networks, which have devoted just 39 seconds to the story, out of the 9 hours and 30 minutes of news shows they’ve aired since it broke. The broadcast networks censored an undercover video of Planned Parenthood senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola…