Home of the Resistance: Sam Bee’s Show Account Touts Support for Democrats in Georgia House Race

April 18th, 2017 3:26 PM

On Monday and Tuesday, the Twitter account for NewsBusters-stalking, far-left host Samantha Bee’s TBS show did its part for The Resistance by openly advocating for a Democratic Party victory in the Georgia sixth congressional district special election. 

Late Monday afternoon, the Full Frontal account tweeted: “Georgia! Don’t forget tomorrow’s special election. It’s either take one and vote or go to a town hall every week and scream until 2018.”

Bee’s credibility in search of cohesion with the likes Glenn Beck and outright lie that she’s an “independent” were further torpedoed as the show account tweeted this on Tuesday morning: 

Bee’s childish and vile behavior is well documented here on NewsBusters (and particularly by yours truly). Whether it’s saying Ted Cruz is a “fish-faced, horseshit salesman,” Cruz’s father is a chest-burster from Alien, or praying for the National Rifle Association (NRA) to be stricken with boils, Bee’s so-called independence or dedication to civility is real fake news.