PBS Touts ‘Citizen Investigators....Helping the FBI Track Down' J6ers

January 4th, 2024 10:45 PM

Wednesday’s edition of the PBS NewsHour featured veteran journalist Judy Woodruff cheering on an obsessive group of “citizen investigators” who have teamed up with the media’s favorite domestic surveillance organization to turn in people who entered the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021: “How citizen investigators are helping the FBI track down Jan. 6 rioters.” One suspects…

Huff-Po's Reporter In Ferguson Asks on Twitter If Earplugs Are Rubber

August 18th, 2014 7:02 AM
Via Truth Revolt, we learned Huffington Post reporter Ryan Reilly, one of the reporters who were arrested without cause at a McDonald's in Ferguson, Missouri, made a fool of himself on Twitter by suggesting -- non-humorously -- that ear plugs were rubber bullets. Somehow, he didn't try Wikipedia before tweeting. Police have used rubber bullets in Ferguson against protesters. On Twitter, Katie…