Bill O'Reilly Challenges Sen. Coburn for Bashing Fox News

April 14th, 2010 11:36 AM
Bill O'Reilly challenged Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) Tuesday for bashing Fox News at a town hall meeting in early April."The intention is not to put anybody in jail," the Senator told an attendee who asked a question about penalties for folks who don't purchase health insurance once ObamaCare kicks in. "That makes for good TV news on FOX, but that isn't the intention."O'Reilly challenged Coburn for…

CNN's Mary Snow on ClimateGate: Only One Clip From Warming Skeptic

December 4th, 2009 7:13 PM
On Friday’s Situation Room, CNN correspondent Mary Snow highlighted the latest developments on ClimateGate, but only played one sound bite from a skeptic of manmade climate change, as opposed to the four clips from proponents of the theory. Snow also omitted the left-wing affiliation of, a website she mentioned during her report.The correspondent led her report with a clip from…