On CNN, O’Reilly Is ‘Ahmadinejad,’ Juan Williams, ‘Happy Negro

September 26th, 2007 3:24 PM
Even after the Juan Williams "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still pressed on about Bill O’Reilly’s race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday’s "Newsroom" took the language being used against O’Reilly and Williams to new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins appeared on the CNN program, and compared O’Reilly to a murderous movie villain and to Iranian tyrant Ahmadinejad. "If the…

For CNN, Petraeus Report All About Withdrawal

September 10th, 2007 9:43 AM
"This is John Smith, reporting live from the beaches of Normandy, where Allied troops have launched a massive invasion aiming to defeat the Axis.""John, this is Bob Brown back in the studio. When does General Eisenhower think the first Allied troops can start to come home?""What the . . . ?" OK, the surge isn't D-Day. But surely an important part of what we are looking for in General Petraeus's…