FNC Notes NYT, Daily Beast Plagiarism Scandals, Lack of Media Interest

February 20th, 2010 3:20 PM
Saturday’s Fox News Watch gave attention to two recent plagiarism scandals – one involving Gerald Posner of the Daily Beast, the other involving Zachery Kouwe of the New York Times. Host Jon Scott summarized the stories:First, chief investigative reporter for the DailyBeast.com, Gerald Posner, admits to lifting five sentences from the Miami Herald. Posner says he was horrified and has no idea how…

Olbermann Suggests Govt Delayed Anthrax Case to Push Iraq Attack

August 4th, 2008 3:25 PM
For Friday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann showed up wearing his tinfoil hat to cover the recent break in the Anthrax attacks case from 2001, as he charged that "the government took advantage of this situation to use it as a tool to build up a case to go to war in Iraq," and, stepping into his "conspiracy theory" mode, even suggested that the Bush administration was not interested in…