NYT 'White Guilt' Advice Column Must Be Seen to Be Believed

August 16th, 2018 12:14 PM
The real life New York Times "Sweet Spot" advice column provided more comedy than any parody of it could ever yield. In fact if you read the August 14 "How Can I Cure My White Guilt?" advice column without knowing it was not a parody, you would probably think it was. What provides the humor is not only the guilt provided by "Whitey" who is overly obsessed with "white privilege" but the SJW…

Novelist on 2016: I Was 'in This Manic Zombie/Teary/Rager Dream State'

October 3rd, 2017 4:42 PM
Remember all those hilarious online liberal meltdown videos you laughed at just after the unthinkable (for them) happened on Election Day 2016? Well, good news. We are in for more such laughs provided in melodramatic literary form from novelist and yuuuge Hillary Clinton supporter, Cheryl Strayed. She tells us about her post-election meltdown that was so severe that it sent her to bed crying for…

NY Times Goo: Obama Book List Shows He's 'Really Searched His Soul In

December 5th, 2013 11:23 PM
The New York Times could only devote 53 words in the Business section on Thursday to Martin Bashir resigning from MSNBC, but swooned over Barack Obama’s latest list of book purchases in a story headlined “In Obama’s Book List, Glimpses of His Journey.” Reporter Peter Baker explained “A reading list offers a rare window into the presidential mind, a peek at what a commander in chief may be…