Name That Party: Dem Scandal, No Party Mention/GOP Scandal, Party Ment

June 17th, 2009 1:40 AM
And now another episode of Name That Party where the news customer reads a story and tries his darndest to discern from what party a scandal plagued politician hails. We have many times said that one of the main rules of the Name That Party parlor game is that if the Old Media is talking about a troubled Democrat, often times the pol's party is either not mentioned at all or is buried way down in…

BMI's Gainor Tells House Subcommittee Liberal Bias Has Hurt Newspapers

April 23rd, 2009 10:19 AM
On April 21, the Business and Media Institute's Dan Gainor testified before the House Judiciary Committee's Courts and Competition Policy in a hearing on "A New Age for Newspapers."As MRC's Tim Graham wrote on April 22, the hearing was spurred by the steady drumbeat of newspaper closings around the country, and calls from some Democrat lawmakers to bail out and subsidize the newspaper business.…

Matthews: 'What's Wrong' with a 'Show Trial' or 'Witch Hunt' of Bush

January 23rd, 2009 5:55 PM

Say, Today, What Party Do the Conyers Belong To

July 5th, 2008 3:54 PM
Add Monica Conyers's name to that list of Dems run afoul of the law whose party affiliation the MSM fails to mention.  Conyers, the Detroit City Council President Pro Tem, a Democrat and an Obama supporter, has made unwelcome headlines before, from getting into an argument with an eight-grader to allegedly threatening to shoot an aide to the Detroit mayor.  Now things have taken a turn for the…

Dispatch from the Briar Patch: NYT Demands Dems Investigate Rove

August 14th, 2007 6:41 AM
When it comes to investigating Dems, the MSM is all But when a Republican is potentially in the crosshairs, the liberal media suddenly goes Eliot Ness . . . Take the New York Times editorial of this morning, Mr. Rove Gets Out of Town, which amounts to an extended plea to Democrats to investigate Karl Rove on matters sundry. Huffs the Times: