Paul Ryan on His Family: 'We've Dedicated Much of Our Lives to Saving This Country'

August 12th, 2012 8:36 PM

Those that watched CBS's 60 Minutes Sunday got some marvelous insights into who presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is.

When host Bob Schieffer asked him what his family thinks about him being named as Mitt Romney's running mate and the changes it's going to bring to them, Ryan answered, "We've dedicated much of our lives to saving this country."

BOB SCHIEFFER, HOST: Congressman, this is going to change your whole life. What did your family think about it?

PAUL RYAN: Well, we've dedicated much of our lives to saving this country, to public service. I had planned a different path for my life when I was younger, and I felt a calling to public service. And Jan and I, my wife and I, discussed this at great length. It is going to change our life, but we really think that this is a moment in the country that needs leadership. And we really think that we can make a big difference and get our country back on track.

SCHIEFFER: Now I understand you're also going to run for reelection to your congressional seat. Are you kind of hedging your bets here?

RYAN: No, I'm already on the ballot. You can't even go off the ballet. So I've already filed. Our filing deadline was in June. I'm already on the ballot, so it has nothing to do with that.