Mark Levin Blasts Joe Scarborough For His Attack On Sarah Palin

October 27th, 2010 11:41 AM

As NewsBusters reported moments ago, Joe Scarborough took some cheap shots at former Alaska governor Sarah Palin during Wednesday's "Morning Joe."

After seeing our piece on this issue, Mark Levin struck back at MSNBC's so-called conservative via Facebook:

I see Palin campaigning all over the country for candidates. I see her raising funds for them. I see her attending Tea Party events, Republican events, you name it. She's in the fight. She has put her neck on the line and has exposed her family to outrageous ridicule. And she has done great things that have advanced conservatism and Republican Party hopes next week.

Conversely, Joe Scarborough has done nothing. He sits at his table on MSNBC arrogantly denouncing conservatives, pandering to liberals, and repeating stupid talking points someone uttered days earlier. He has no ideas and, worse, he drags down those who do. Has he campaigned for anyone? Yet he passes judgment on someone who has. Has he raised funds for anyone? Has he used his "celebrity" (such as it is) in constructive ways? [...]

Go Sarah. Get lost Joe.

Nicely said, Mark. Bravo.

Post facto commentary: What folks like Scarborough and other so-called Republicans miss is how much the Tea Party and people like Palin did to energize conservatives and put the GOP in position to take back the House and possibly the Senate.

Are all the Tea Party candidates going to win next Tuesday? Probably not, but many certainly will, and their presence as well as the energy they have given to this conservative uprising will undoubtedly figure in the makeup of Congress next January.

As such, any impartial observer would have to say that Palin's efforts during this election cycle have been a huge net positive for the GOP.

If Scarborough doesn't see this, his time at MSNBC must be impacting his ability to reason.