PBS Launched DNC Coverage: 'Enthusiasm... Joy, Excitement' in Chicago'

August 20th, 2024 9:56 AM

PBS News Hour anchors Geoff Bennett and Amna Nawaz on Sunday night in Chicago, where they were preparing for the start of the Democratic National Convention on Monday by gushing over new Democratic “enthusiasm.” Next, journalist Judy Woodruff’s history of the notorious Democratic National Convention of 1968, where she made an extraneous “convicted felon” reference, and made…


Brooks Surprised 'Responsible' Harris Backs Soviet-Like Price Controls

August 17th, 2024 9:47 AM

New York Times columnist and PBS News Hour theoretical conservative David Brooks was shocked on Friday’s show that “a responsible Democratic candidate” would endorse Soviet-like price controls on food.


PBS Promotes Leftist ABA Effort to 'Defend Democracy' Against Trump

August 17th, 2024 6:22 AM

The PBS News Hour promoted more liberal election fear-mongering, this time from the ostensibly objective but actually leftist American Bar Association. Anchor Amna Nawaz was eager to push its fear against the threat of authoritarianism in America under a second Trump term as a bipartisan concern by pairing former Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson with retired "conservative" judge…

PBS’s Get-Out-Vote Drive for Dems Continues: Is Muslim Mayor Aboard?

August 11th, 2024 7:23 AM

The PBS News Hour on Wednesday continued to act as a get-out-the-vote movement for the Harris/Walz Democratic presidential campaign, with the second guest appearance on the program of Abdullah Hahmoud, the Democratic Muslim mayor of Dearborn, Michigan. It wasn’t a challenging interview, but instead a delicate probe to see if the pick of Walz (and not the Jewish Pennsylvania Gov. Josh…


Free Beacon Editor Corrects PBS 'No Evidence' Claim Walz Padded Resume

August 10th, 2024 9:45 AM

Washington Free Beacon editor-in-chief Eliana Johnson was forced to correct PBS News Hour host Amna Nawaz on Friday after the latter claimed “there’s no evidence” Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz has embellished his military resume. Johnson correctly pointed out that, on the contrary, “there’s no question” he has “padded and inflated his resume.”

PBS: Black Women in GA Fuel Harris Camp Vs. 'Sexist, Racist Remarks'

August 8th, 2024 10:25 PM

The Harris campaign has been floating atop a celebratory media bubble for two weeks, and Laura Barron-Lopez of the PBS News Hour was not about to pop it. On Monday’s edition she was basically getting out the vote for a specific Democratic demographic, black women in Georgia, interviewing several of them. She’d previously heard from the same group last week when Harris was campaigning…


Taxpayer-Funded PBS Airs Pro-Hamas Propaganda With Your Money

August 8th, 2024 1:20 PM

PBS “special correspondent” Simona Foltyn, who covers the Middle East, appeared on Tuesday’s edition of the taxpayer-funded PBS News Hour to make the case for the anti-Jewish terrorist group Hamas, after Israel’s bravura assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas terrorist chief. Anchor Amna Nawaz introduced the report from Lebanon by making the familiar fatalist argument that there’s no…

PBS Defends Walz From 'Pouncing' Trump, Suggests He's 'More Moderate'

August 7th, 2024 8:08 PM

After the Kamala Harris campaign named Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, PBS News Hour anchor Geoff Bennett conducted a cozy interview with his fellow Minnesota pol, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, on Tuesday evening, and quickly transformed himself into a liberal media cliché. Bennett: "The Trump campaign is already pouncing, calling him dangerously liberal and saying that the Harris/Walz…


PBS Laments Afghanistan Tarnished Biden's 'FDR-like First Year'

August 7th, 2024 1:20 PM

PBS released a new Frontline documentary on Tuesday about President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race, but it was really more of an ode to his entire career. However, even PBS could not ignore the disastrous exit from Afghanistan, which it claimed overshadowed an “FDR-like first year.”

PBS's Barron-Lopez Turns to Prof to Defend 'Dignity' of Kamala, Obama

August 6th, 2024 10:19 PM

The Saturday edition of PBS News Weekend was hosted by the paper’s most liberal reporter Laura Barron-Lopez, and she took full advantage, harkening back to Donald Trump’s wild appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists to accuse the former president of appealing to racists and anti-semites. Providing PBS-selected back up was a hard-left academic who hailed the…


PBS Only Evening Newscast to Report Firing of UNRWA 9 Over 10/7 Attack

August 5th, 2024 11:14 PM

As the Middle East braces for war, a major news story broke yet went unreported across the major evening network newscasts: The United Nations’ Palestinian relief agency, known as UNRWA, fired nine employees over their potential involvement in Hamas’ barbaric October 7th attack against Israel. 

Biden Apologist’s Media Damage Control as ‘Sahm Rule’ Dings Admin

August 5th, 2024 4:51 PM

Former Federal Reserve economist Claudia Sahm passionately defended the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous management of the economy in a Bloomberg op-ed. Now, she is desperately trying to soften the blow after her “Sahm Rule” embarrassed President Joe Biden. 


Harris Hits Trail with Name-Calling, PBS Adds Own 'Creepy' Phrase

August 5th, 2024 12:32 PM

Friday’s PBS News Hour followed Laura Barron-Lopez on the Kamala Harris campaign trail, testing out the Democrats’ new line of personal attack: Branding Republicans as “weird” and “creepy.” Barron-Lopez dropped her previous sensitivity to rhetoric and seemed to approve of the new tactic.

No Mirror! PBS Blames Reagan, Cable News for Declining Trust in Media

August 3rd, 2024 10:28 PM

Wednesday’s PBS News Hour segment posed as an even-handed examination of declining trust in the news media, setting up Fox News on the right matching MSMNC on the left as both being to blame. But veteran reporter Judy Woodruff’s framing of bias as a…